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Africana Studies Faculty and Staff
- Dr. Abena Ampofoa AsareAssociate Professor of Modern African Affairs (631) 632-7400 Office: SBS S-235
- Dr. Simone BrioniAssistant Professor (Affiliate) (631) 632 7400 Office: HUM 1099
- Dr. Mark Chambers(631) 632-7470 Office: SBS S-235
- Dr. Robert ChaseAssociate Professor (Affiliate)(631)632-7470Office: SBS N331-A
- Dr. Harvey CormierProfessor(631)632-7570Office: Harriman 232
- Dr. Kathleen FallonAssoiate Professor (Affliate)(631)632-7470Office: SBS S249
- Dr. Tamara FernandoAssistant Professor(Affiliate)6316327470Office: SBS S341
- Dr. Crystal FlemingAssociate Professor (Affiliate)(631) 632-7700Office: SBS S401
- Rev. Brenda D. FordChaplain (Affiliate)(631) 632-7700Office: Undergrad. Colleges, SB Union
- Dr. Georges Eugene FouronSUNY Distinguished Professor(631) 632-6924Office: SBS S-657
- JB GnonlonfounDirectorVOLTA(631)632-7470Office: 3304 StallerCenter for the Arts
- Dr. Shimelis GulemaAssociate Professor(631)632-7470Office: SBS S-251
- Dr. Kevin HoltAssistant Professor(631) 632 7470 Office: 3304 Staller
- Dr. Shirley LimAssociate Professor (Affiliate)(631)632-7470Office: SBS N-327
- Dr. Jazmen MooreJazmen Moore,IDEA Fellow(631)632-7470Office: SBS S-243
- Dr. Zebulon Vance MiletskyAssociate Professor (631) 632-7495Office: SBS S-253
- Dr. Patrice NganangProfessor and Chair(631)632-7470office: SBS S-253
- Dr. Rita NezamiLecturer (Affiliate)(631)632=7470Office: H2108
- Dr. Shobana ShankarAssociate Professor (631)631-7470office: SBS S319
- Dr. Adryan Wallace(631) 632-7408 Office: SBS S-239
- Dr. Tracey L. WaltersProfessor(631) 632-7475
- Ann L. Berrios(631) 632-7470 Office: SBS S-249