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Daniel Canavin

Major: biology
minor in anthropology

Person in a striped shirt smiling, standing in front of a wooden panel background.

Dan is a non-traditional transfer student from Suffolk County Community College. He is a Biology major with an Anthropology minor and is completing both the pre-med and pre-PA tracks. At Suffolk, Dan was president of his Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society chapter, a senator on student government, and received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence and the SOLII Scholarship to Stony Brook University. In his 2nd year at SBU, Dan is serving a 2nd term as the Commuter Student Association Senator on USG, working on such issues as University Parking, Mental Health, and Campus Beautification. He is also a Commuter Assistant and a TA for ANP 300: Human Anatomy, and works at Stony Brook University Hospital as a medical scribe. Dan has volunteered for several John T. Mather Hospital fundraisers, and for the organization SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young. You might also find Dan at an open mic or open volleyball play.