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The goal of this program is for all Stony Brook students  to participate in multiple civic engagement related events and initiatives during their time at Stony Brook and graduate with a well-rounded understanding of democratic engagement and its importance in society. This peer education program aims to work with different schools and departments to create an interdepartmental effort to engage students of all majors and backgrounds in the importance of becoming civically engaged and involved in the democratic process.

If you participate in the Democracy-101 program, and you complete all of the program requirements, you will be eligible for the Civically Engaged Seawolf Award where you will receive a cord for graduation and a certificate!

If you are interested in learning more about the program click here.


Get Involved

Our robust opportunities allow students to engage in exciting partnerships with outside organizations, create and execute campus wide initiatives, along with spreading the message on how to stay civically engaged. Check out some of our past student lead projects and initiatives here. We offer a lot of different ways in which students can get involved at the Center for Civic Justice and in the community. This includes:

    • Student employment  
    • Intern positions
    • Volunteer positions
    • Other leadership opportunities

Student Voting Coalition Job Description

Student Voting Coalition Application

Undergraduate Internship Application

Attend an Event 

We host a variety of educational and social events, seminars, workshops, and training sessions for students along with student organizations and clubs. This includes:

    • Community Dialogues
    • Voter Registration Sessions
    • Civic Holiday Celebrations
    • More, coming soon!

Reserve your seat at an upcoming event!


Collaborate with Us

The Center for Civic Justice aims to engage our community in our efforts as often as possible in an accesible way. In order to do this we can attend club and organization meetings to host events such as voter registration sessions or other educational efforts. If you are a Student Leader or Student Organization that is interested in:

  • Requesting Voter Registration Forms
  • Requesting a Voter Registration Session
  • Hosting a Civic Holiday Celebration
  • Food Pantry Food Drive

Email us at to collaborate!

For Resident Assistants, we provide specialized opportunities as well as our typical programming such as voter registration. If you are a Resident Assistant interested in:

  • Requesting Voter Registration Forms
  • Requesting a Voter Registration Session
  • Requesting a Civic Engagement Topic Presentation
  • Hosting a Civic Holiday Celebration
  • Food Pantry Food Drive

Email us at to collaborate!


Voter Information

We provide our students with the information they need to successfully and safely engage in all elections while making educated and informed decisions. This includes:

    • Registering to vote
    • Updating voter information
    • Requesting an absentee ballot
    • Researching who and what is on the ballot
    • Finding an assigned polling place

Make your voice heard at the polls!