Welcoming New FacultyWe’re really delighted to welcome three new faculty to the Department! Read more about our Newest Faculty |
The VocalizED Identity Crafting and Exploration Research LabVocalizED is actually the first word in VOICE because, for me, my interest has always been to amplify immigrant narratives, so when I began wondering what I really wanted coming from it, It led to VocalizED Identity Crafting and Exploration. Read more about VocalizED |
Building the Bridge: Connecting High School Teachers with SBU English ProfessorsSecondary school teachers from across Long Island and SBU English professors spent time listening to & learning from each other in an open round table in pursuit of a common goal: understanding where students are, what they need, and how the teaching of English can contribute to the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of students, not only in the classroom but in life. Read more about the Building Bridges Discussion |