At Stony Brook University, we believe a diversity of perspectives and ideas is critical
for the advancement of knowledge and scientific innovation. The Center for Inclusive Education (CIE), established in 2002, is a hallmark of the University's ongoing commitment
to advancing diversity in graduate education, academia, and the scientific workforce.
The CIE is dedicated to increasing awareness of issues related to diversity at the
university level, collaborating with faculty and staff to enhance the diversity of
their respective departments, identify and work to remove barriers to underrepresented
scholar success, and at the national level, engage in scholarly research activities
and program assessment, with the ultimate goal of contributing to greater body of
knowledge related to issues of inclusion and diversity. These efforts have been recognized
through several grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, and the State of New York. With over 600 alumni and 160 current scholars,
the CIE remains dedicated to the mission of enhancing diversity and inclusion of the
academic world.
Learn about the Center for Inclusive Education