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Prof. Pierce named Scholar in Residence at the MoMA

Our colleguage is one of three inspiring thinkers to join MoMA this year to develop projects for new understandings of art.  See more.


Congrats to Omar Lbadessi for his postion at Vassar College!

Our recent PhD graduate, Omar Lbadessi, who defended his dissertation this August 2024, is starting as Visiting Assistant Professor at Vassar College (NY) this academic year.  ¡Felicitaciones!

Omar Badessi

Student Spotlight

Ahmed Abdullah, '26

D.D.S Candidate, School of Dental Medicine

Letter from our former Spanish student: 

Every single day that I have been in clinic, I have been asked to speak in Spanish with a patient. Whether calling for appointment changes, helping with taking a history, or determining a chief complaint, the skills of fluency and linguistic navigation I learned from your great professors have been massive. 

"I use my Spanish classes on a day to day basis in clinic WAY more than I use my biology classes" 

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Upcoming Events

Brazilian Film Festival

Brazialian Film Festival 2024

Book Panel Honoring Brooke Larson (History): The Lettered Indian

Brooke Larson Lettered Indian 2024

See Poster for full information