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Professor (Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1995)

Curriculum Vitae Fall 2024

Office: SBS N-331


Interests: Modern Latin America, Mexico, U.S.-Latin American relations, popular culture, Global Sixties

My research and teaching interests focus on the interplay between culture, politics, and international relations in twentieth-century Latin America, with a particular emphasis on the Cold War period, as encompassed by the phrase "Global Sixties." My research is highly interdisciplinary: I seek to make connections between ideological articulations, consumptive practices, and broadly defined notions of power. These ideas are expressed in my most recent monograph, The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties (Duke University Press), which explores the implications of Mexico's efforts to fashion itself as a Cold War interlocutor.  Previously, I brought together a group of scholars for a special issue of the journal The Americas on the subject "Latin America in the Global Sixties," which reflected the first coherent effort by Latin Americanists to map out the terrain of this emergent field.  During the fall 2019 I was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago, Chile. With Terri Gordon-Zolov, I recently published  The Walls of Santiago: Social Revolution and Political Graphics in Contemporary Chile  (Berghahn, 2022), a project which explores the significance of the 2019 social uprising in Chile viewed through the lens of protest street graphics. I am currently working on a project that explores the sonic and geopolitical implications of bossa nova, c. 1959-1964.

•HIS/POL 214: Modern Latin America
•HIS 373: The Global Sixties
HIS 379: Rebels and Revolutionaries
HIS 387: Cuba: Island of Consequence


•HIS 517: Global Sixties
•HIS 542: Modern Latin America
•HIS 601: Sonic & Visual History

The Last Good Neighbor ("Introduction")
"Interview with Camilo Trumper: The Walls of Santiago" (Brooklyn Rail)
"Integrating Mexico into the Global Sixties"
"La juventud se impone: Rebelión cultural y los temores de los mayores en México 1968"
• Review of Mary Kay Vaughan's Portrait of a Young Painter: Pepe Zúñiga and Mexico City's Rebel Generation 
"Let's Revisit Helms-Burton" (op-ed)
• "The Walls of Chile Speak of a Suppressed Rage." The Nation
Introduction to The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties and book presentation at Columbia University with Claudio Lomnitz and John Coatsworth commenting.