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Chemistry Teaching Laboratory


The Copper Cycle Experiments

(for second year chemistry students)

This CTL activity will guide the students through the well known Copper Cycle experiments. Students will conduct a series of reactions in which copper metal is converted into several compounds, and is eventually recovered as free copper metal.

Using laboratory equipment and materials that may not be available in standard high school chemistry laboratories such as Spec 20s, students will have the opportunity to take an extended period of time to explore this series of reactions. This laboratory experience addresses several of the recommended experiments as outlined in the College Board AP Chemistry Course Description.


  •  This laboratory activity is only open to students who have already completed a year of chemistry. 
  • Students are required to wear approved safety goggles, lab apron, socks and closed shoes, which they should bring with them
  • Maximum class size is 18 students
  • Cost $30 per student (minimum charge will be for 12 students)
  • This lab takes 4-1/2 hours to complete (including a lunch break)
  • An option to include a spectroscopy component is available for schools that are able to extend their stay for an extra hour.
A Separation of a Mixture Lab 
Green Chemistry- Cleaning Dirty Water

This CTL activity will guide the student through a separation of a mixture.  Students will employ a series of separation techniques to recover pure water from a foul water mixture.

Using laboratory equipment and materials that may not be available in a standard high school chemistry laboratory, students will have the opportunity to take an extended period of time to explore this series of separation steps.  They will also have the chance to test their water samples during the laboratory activity using several Vernier probes.


  • This laboratory activity is open to high school students taking Regents-level chemistry.
  • Students are required to wear approved safety goggles, lab apron, socks and closed shoes.  These must be supplied by the student or their school.
  • Maximum class size is 24 students
  • Cost:  $30 per student  (minimum charge will be for 12 students)
  • This lab takes 4-1/2 hours to complete (including a lunch break)


To schedule your class please call (631-632-9750) or e-mail