Halstuff (BiBTeX version) @ARTICLE{HJM:Met62, AUTHOR = "Hans Mueller and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "The Orthogonality of Instruments", JOURNAL = "J. Opt. Soc. Am.", VOLUME = "52", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1317", YEAR = "1962" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met65, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "The Stiles-Crawford Apodization", JOURNAL = "J. Opt. Soc. Am.", VOLUME = "55", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "72", YEAR = "1965" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met66, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf and J. C. Baird", TITLE = "Circular Polarization of Vacuum Ultraviolet Light by Piezobirefringence", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1407", YEAR = "1966" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met68, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Solid State Phys., Nuclear Phys., and Particle Phys.", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the Ninth Latin American School of Phys.", EDITOR = "Igor Saavedra", PUBLISHER = "W. A. Benjamin, Inc., NY", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1968" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bra68, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and J. Brandenberger and J.C. Baird", TITLE = "Measurement of the Sommerfeld Fine Structure Constant by Level Crossing in Atomic Hydrogen", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "21", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "165", YEAR = "1968" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mar69, AUTHOR = "A. Marshall and R. L. deZafra and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Level Crossing Spectroscopy in Molecules: Application to OH Free Radical", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "22", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "445", YEAR = "1969" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Bai69a, AUTHOR = "J. C. Baird and H. Metcalf and J. Brandenberger and K. I. Gondaira", TITLE = "A Measurement of the Sommerfeld Fine Structure Constant by Level Crossing in Atomic Hydrogen", BOOKTITLE = "Phys. of One and Two Electron Atoms", EDITOR = "F. Bopp and H. Klienpoppen", PUBLISHER = "North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam", PAGES = "139", YEAR = "1969" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Bai69b, AUTHOR = "J. C. Baird and H. Metcalf and J.Brandenberger and K. I. Gondaira", TITLE = "A Measurement of the Fine Structure Constant by Level Crossing in Atomic Hydrogen", BOOKTITLE = "in Proc. of the First International Conf. on Atomic Phys.", EDITOR = "V. Cohen and G. zuPutlitz", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "3", YEAR = "1969" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met70, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "PDP-8L Interface to TMC-404 Multichannel Analyzer", JOURNAL = "Decuscope", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "9", YEAR = "1970" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met71, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Collision Spectroscopy on the Air Track", JOURNAL = amejp, VOLUME = "39", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "967", YEAR = "1971" } @Article{HJM:dez71b, title = {Measurement of Lifetime and $g$ Factors by Level Crossing and Optical Double Resonance in the OH and OD Free Radicals}, author = {deZafra, Robert L. and Marshall, Alan and Metcalf, Harold }, journal = phyra, volume = {3}, number = {5}, pages = {1557--1567}, numpages = {10}, year = {1971}, month = {}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.3.1557}, publisher = {American Physical Society} } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Bai71, AUTHOR = "J. C. Baird and J. Brandenberger and K. Gondaira and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Determination of the Atomic Hydrogen Fine Structure by Level Crossing in the 2P States of Hydrogen: A Measuremet of the Fine Structure Constant", BOOKTITLE = "Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants ", EDITOR = "D. Langenberg and B. Taylor", PUBLISHER = "NBS", PAGES = "345", YEAR = "1971" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met72, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Electrocardiography for Freshman", JOURNAL = "The Physics Teacher", VOLUME = "10", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "98", YEAR = "1972" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bai72, AUTHOR = "J. C. Baird and J. Brandenberger and K. I. Gondaira and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Determination of the Atomic Hydrogen Fine Structure by Level Crossing in the 2P States of Hydrogen, A Measurement of the Fine Structure Constant", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "564", YEAR = "1972" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sch73a, AUTHOR = "P. Schenck and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Low Cost Nitrogen Laser Design for Dye Laser Pumping", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "12", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "183", YEAR = "1973" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bre73a, AUTHOR = "G. Sprouse and R. Brenn and H. A. Calvin and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Observations with Oriented Nuclei of One-Electron Atomic of $^{19}$F", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "30", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "419", YEAR = "1973" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sch73b, AUTHOR = "P. Schenck and R. C. Hilborn and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Time Resolved Fluorescence from Ba and Ca Excited by a Pulsed Tunable Dye Laser", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "31", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "189", YEAR = "1973" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Bre73c, AUTHOR = "R. Brenn and H. Calvin and H. Metcalf and G. Sprouse and L. Young", TITLE = "Atomic g-Factors of Hydrogen-like $^{19}$F", BOOKTITLE = "Atomic Physics 3", EDITOR = "Smith and Walters", PUBLISHER = "Plenum Press, NY", PAGES = "657", YEAR = "1973" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Die74, AUTHOR = "D. Dietrich and B. DaCosta and R. deZafra and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "The Lamb Shift in $^{7}$Li", BOOKTITLE = "Fourth International Conference on Atomic Physics, Heidelberg, Germany", EDITOR = "G. zuPutlitz et al.", PUBLISHER = "Plenum Press", PAGES = "60", YEAR = "1974" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Fel78, AUTHOR = "M. Feldman and P. Lebow and F. Raab and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Improvements to a Home Built Nitrogen Laser", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "774", YEAR = "1978" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Dav78, AUTHOR = "W. Davis and W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Vanishing Electric Dipole Transition Moment", BOOKTITLE = "Fourth International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes", EDITOR = "G.W.Drake", PUBLISHER = "Windsor, Ontario", PAGES = "56", YEAR = "1978" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Lit78, AUTHOR = "M. Littman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Spectrally Narrow Pulsed Dye Laser Without Beam Expander", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2224", YEAR = "1978" } @Article{HJM:Leb79b, title = {Measurement of $g$ Factors by Quantum Beats in the OH Free Radical}, author = {Lebow, Paul and Raab, Frederick and Metcalf, Harold }, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {85--88}, numpages = {3}, year = {1979}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.42.85}, publisher = {American Physical Society} } @ARTICLE{HJM:Dav79b, AUTHOR = "W. Davis and H. Metcalf and William D. Phillips", TITLE = "Vanishing Electric Dipole Transition Moment", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "19", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "700", YEAR = "1979" } @BOOK{HJM:Met80, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Topics in Classical Biophysics", PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall Inc", ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632", YEAR = "1980", COMMENT = "A textbook for second year students" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met80a, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Highly Excited Atoms", JOURNAL = "The Physics Teacher", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "199", YEAR = "1980" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met80b, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Highly Excited Atoms", JOURNAL = "Nature", VOLUME = "284", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "127", YEAR = "1980" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Raa80, AUTHOR = " F. Raab and T. Bergeman and D. Lieberman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Quantum Beat Spectroscopy of the A$^2 \Sigma$ State of the OH Free Radical", JOURNAL = optl, VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "427", YEAR = "1980" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi80, AUTHOR = " William Phillips and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Time-Resolved Sub-Natural-Width Spectroscopy", JOURNAL = optl, VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "540", YEAR = "1980" } @BOOK{HJM:Met80c, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Air Track Physics", PUBLISHER = "Kendal Hunt Publishing Co.", ADDRESS = "", YEAR = "1980", COMMENT = " a laboratory manual for first semester students " } @ARTICLE{HJM:Luk81a, AUTHOR = " T. S. Luk and L. DiMauro and M. Feldman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Coherence in Photoionization", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "24", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "864", YEAR = "1981" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Luk81b, AUTHOR = " T. S. Luk and L. DiMauro and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Continuum Stark Spectroscopy", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "47", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "83", YEAR = "1981" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Raa81, AUTHOR = " F. Raab and T. Bergeman and D. Lieberman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Precision Study of the A$^2 \Sigma$ State of the OH Radical", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "24", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3120", YEAR = "1981" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bre81a, AUTHOR = "T. Breeden and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Stark Acceleration of Rydberg Atoms in Inhomogeneous Electric Fields", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "47", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1726", YEAR = "1981" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi82, AUTHOR = " W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Deceleration of an Atomic Beam", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "48", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "596", YEAR = "1982" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Tai82, AUTHOR = " Dong Taiqian and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Light Shifts in Quantum Beat Spectroscopy", JOURNAL = phyrv, VOLUME = "25", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3435", YEAR = "1982" } @ARTICLE{HJM:DiM82, AUTHOR = " L. DiMauro and T. Bergeman and P. McNicholl and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Continuum Stark Spectroscopy. Proceedings of Colloque International. Colloque {C-2, supplement 11.}", JOURNAL = "Journal de Physique", VOLUME = "43", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "167", YEAR = "1982" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Pro82, AUTHOR = "J. Prodan and W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Production of a Very Slow Monoenergetic Atomic Beam", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "49", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1149", YEAR = "1982" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Pro83, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips J. Prodan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling of Free Neutral Atoms in an Atomic Beam", JOURNAL = "Laser Spectroscopy VI Springer Verlag", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "162", YEAR = "1983" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Fel84, AUTHOR = "M. Feldman and T. Breeden and L. DiMauro and T. Dong and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Preliminary Measurement of the J=0 to J=2 Fine Structure Interval in the 3$^3$P State of Helium", BOOKTITLE = "Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants II", EDITOR = "B. N. Taylor and W. Phillips", PUBLISHER = "Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 617", PAGES = "153", YEAR = "1984" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Phi84, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Time Resolved Sub-Natural Width Spectroscopy", BOOKTITLE = "Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants II", EDITOR = "B. N. Taylor and W. Phillips", PUBLISHER = "Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 617", PAGES = "177", YEAR = "1984" } @INCOLLECTION{HJM:Met84, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Biophysics", BOOKTITLE = "Encyclopedia of Physics", EDITOR = "R.M. Besancon", PUBLISHER = "Van Nostrand Reinhold Pub., NY", YEAR = "1984", PAGES = "137", NOTE = "Third Edition" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi84a, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and J. Prodan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Neutral Atomic Beam Cooling Experiments at NBS", JOURNAL = "Prog. Quant. Electr.", VOLUME = "8", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "119", YEAR = "1984" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met84a, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetic Trapping of Decelerated Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = "Prog. Quant. Electr.", VOLUME = "8", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "169", YEAR = "1984" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Pro85, AUTHOR = "J. Prodan and A. Migdall and W. Phillips and I. So and H. Metcalf and J. Dalibard", TITLE = "Stopping Atoms with Laser Light", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "54", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "992", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bre85, AUTHOR = "Dong-Hai Yang and Tom Breeden and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Home-Built Nd:YAG Laser for General Laser Laboratory Use", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "24", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1899", YEAR = "1985" } } @ARTICLE{HJM:Yan85, AUTHOR = "D.H. Yang and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Precision Measurement of the Crossing Between the (J,M) = (2,2) and (0,0) Sublevels of 3$^3$P Helium", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "32", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2249", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi85a, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and W. Phillips", TITLE = "Laser Cooling of Atomic Beams", JOURNAL = "Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics", VOLUME = "16", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "79-88", YEAR = "1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Liu85a, AUTHOR = "J-Y. Liu and P. McNichol and D. Harmin and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Widths and Shapes of Stark Resonances in Sodium Above the Saddle Point", BOOKTITLE = "Atomic Excitation and Recombination in External Fields", EDITOR = "M. Nayfeh and C. W. Clark", PUBLISHER = "Gordon and Breach", PAGES = "283", YEAR = "1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Phi85b, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and J. Prodan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooled Atomic Beams", BOOKTITLE = "Atomic Physics 9", EDITOR = "R. van Dyke and E. Norval Fortson", PUBLISHER = "World Scientific Press", PAGES = "338-361", YEAR = "1984" } @ARTICLE{HJM:McN85, AUTHOR = "P. McNicholl and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Synchronous Cavity Mode and Feedback Wavelength Scanning in Dye Laser Oscillators with Gratings", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "24", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2757", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Liu85b, AUTHOR = "J. Liu and P. McNicholl and D. Harmin and J. Ivri and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Interference Narrowing at Crossings of Sodium Stark Resonances", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "55", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "189", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met85, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetic Traps for Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = annpf, VOLUME = "10", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "733", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mig85, AUTHOR = "A. Migdall and J. Prodan and W. Phillips and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "First Observation of Magnetically Trapped Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "54", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2596", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi85c, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and J. Prodan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Electromagnetic Trapping of Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "2", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1751", YEAR = "1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Mig85a, AUTHOR = "A. Migdall and T. Bergeman and J. Dalibard and H. Metcalf and W. Phillips and J. Prodan and I. So", TITLE = "Cooling, Stopping, and Trapping Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Laser Spectroscopy VII", EDITOR = "T. W. Hansch and Y. R. Shen", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1985" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Yan86, AUTHOR = "D-H. Yang and P. McNicholl and H. Metalf", TITLE = "Precision Measurement of Crossing Between the (J,M) = (0,0) and (1,1) Sublevels and Fine Structure Splitting in 3$^3$P Helium", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "33", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1725", YEAR = "1986" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met86, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Magnetic Trapping of Neutral Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Methods of Laser Spectroscopy", EDITOR = "Y. Prior and A. Ben -Reuven and M. Rosenbluh", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "33", YEAR = "1986" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Liu86, AUTHOR = "J -Y. Liu and P. McNicholl and J. Ivri and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Shapes and Widths of Stark Resonances in Sodium", BOOKTITLE = "Methods of Laser Spectroscopy", EDITOR = "Y. Prior and A. Ben-Reuven and M. Rosenbluh", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "313", YEAR = "1986" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met86a, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and W. Phillips", TITLE = "Electromagnetic Trapping of Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = "Metrologia", VOLUME = "22", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "271", YEAR = "1986" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Phi86, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and A. Migdall and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Electromagnetic Trapping of Neutral Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Laser Science", EDITOR = "W. Stwalley and M. Lapp", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "362", YEAR = "1986" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met87a, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Atomic Beams", BOOKTITLE = "McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science \& Technology", EDITOR = "S. Parker", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "97", YEAR = "1987" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met87b, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Proposal for Magnetic Trapping of Neutral 2$^3$S Helium", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Laser Science III", PUBLISHER = "Am. Phys. Soc.", EDITOR = "A. Tam and J. Gole and W. Stwalley", PAGES = "304", YEAR = "1987" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:McN87, AUTHOR = "P. McNicholl and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Line Shapes of Sodium Stark Resonances Above the Classical Saddle Point", BOOKTITLE = "Spectral Line Shapes", EDITOR = "R. J. Exton", PUBLISHER = "A. Deepak, pub., Hampton, VA", PAGES = "107", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ber87, AUTHOR = "T. Bergeman and G. Erez and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetostatic Trapping Fields for Neutral Atoms", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "35", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1535", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met87c, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Electromagnetic Trapping of Atoms", JOURNAL = "Optics News", VOLUME = "13", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Phi87, AUTHOR = "W. Phillips and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Cooling and Trapping Atoms", JOURNAL = "Scientific American", VOLUME = "", MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "50\,", YEAR = "1987" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:McN87a, AUTHOR = "J. Dalibard and A. Heidmann and C. Salomon and A. Aspect and H. Metcalf and C. Cohen-Tannoudji", TITLE = "Atomic Motion in a Resonant Laser Standing Wave", BOOKTITLE = "Fundamentals of Quantum Optics II", EDITOR = "F. Ehlotzky", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag", PAGES = "196", YEAR = "1987" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Ber87a, AUTHOR = "T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetic Trapping of Neutral Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Laser Science II", EDITOR = "M. Lapp, W. Stwalley and G. Kenney-Wallace", PUBLISHER = "Am. Inst. Physics Conf. Proc.", PAGES = "332", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sal87, AUTHOR = "C. Salomon and J. Dalibard and A. Aspect and H. Metcalf and C. Cohen-Tannoudji", TITLE = "Channeling Atoms in a Laser Standing Wave", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "59", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1659", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:McN87b, AUTHOR = "P. McNicholl and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Lifetime Measurements of Interference Narrowed Sodium Stark Resonances", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "37", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3302", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Let88, AUTHOR = "P. Lett and R. Watts and C. Westbrook and W. Philips and P. Gould and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Observation of Atoms Laser Cooled Below the Doppler Limit", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "61", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "169", YEAR = "1988" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Asp88, AUTHOR = "A. Aspect and J. Dalibard and C. Salomon and C. Cohen-Tannoudji and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Manipulation Laser D'Atomes Neutres", JOURNAL = "Annales de Phys. (Paris) Colloque ", VOLUME = "1", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "13, 3", YEAR = "1988" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met89, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Atom", BOOKTITLE = "McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science of Technology", EDITOR = "S. Parker", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "47", YEAR = "1989" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met89a, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Proposal for Magnetic Trapping of Laser-Cooled 2$^3$S Helium", BOOKTITLE = "Spin Polarized Quantum Systems", EDITOR = "S. Stringari", PUBLISHER = "World Scientific Pub., Singapore", PAGES = "279", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sha89a, AUTHOR = "S -Q. Shang and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Narrow Band, High Power Light from Diode Lasers", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "28", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1618", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Don89, AUTHOR = "Dong-Hai Yang and David Lieberman and Peter van der Straten and Thomas Bergeman and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Precision Mapping of Electrostatic Fields Using Interference Narrowed Stark Resonances", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "40", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "5026", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:She89, AUTHOR = "B. Sheehy and S-Q. Shang and R. Watts and S. Hatamian and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Diode Laser Deceleration and Collimation of a Rubidium Beam", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "6", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2165", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met89b, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Magneto Optical Trapping and its Application to Helium Metastables", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "6", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2206", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ber89, AUTHOR = "T. H. Bergeman and Patrick McNicholl and Jan Kycia and H. Metcalf and N. L. Balazs", TITLE = "Quantized Motion of Atoms in a Quadrupole Magnetostatic Trap", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "6", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2249", YEAR = "1989" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Sha89b, AUTHOR = "S -Q. Shang and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Narrow Band, High Power Light From Diode Lasers", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of International Conference on Lasers ", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{HJM:She90, AUTHOR = "B. Sheehy and S-Q. Shang and P. van der Straten and S. Hatamian and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetic Field Induced Laser Cooling Below the Doppler Limit", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "64", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "858", YEAR = "1990" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Arn90, AUTHOR = "K. Arnett and S. J. Smith and R. E. Ryan and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf and M. W. Hamilton and J. R. Brandenberger", TITLE = "Hanle Effect in Spectrally Broadened Light", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "41", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2580", YEAR = "1990" } @ARTICLE{HJM:She90a, AUTHOR = "B. Sheehy and S-Q. Shang and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Collimation of a Rubidium Beam Below the Doppler Limit", JOURNAL = Chep, VOLUME = "145", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "317", YEAR = "1990" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sha90, AUTHOR = "S-Q. Shang and B. Sheehy and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Velocity-Selective Magnetic-Resonance Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "65", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "317", YEAR = "1990" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Sha91, AUTHOR = "S. -Q. Shang and B. Sheehy and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling in a Magnetic Field", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of Conference on Light Induced Kinetic Effects", EDITOR = "Arimondo and L. Moi", PUBLISHER = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1991" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Sha91a, AUTHOR = "S. -Q. Shang and B. Sheehy and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling in a Magnetic Field", BOOKTITLE = "Atomic Physics XII", EDITOR = "R. Lewis and J. Zorn", PUBLISHER = "World Scientific, Singapore", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1991" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Chu91, AUTHOR = "T. Chuang and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Tunable Diode-Laser-Pumped Solid State LNA Laser For Helium Spectroscopic Experiments", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "30", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2495", YEAR = "1991" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sha91b, AUTHOR = "S-Q. Shang and B. Sheehy and H. Metcalf and P. van der Straten and G. Nienhuis", TITLE = "Velocity Selective Resonance and Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "67", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1094", YEAR = "1991" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Met91, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Atomic Cooling and Trapping", BOOKTITLE = "Encyclopedia of Applied Physics", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "VCH Publishers, Inc.", VOLUME = "2", PAGES = "225", YEAR = "1991" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Hoo91, AUTHOR = "M. D. Hoogerland and H. C. W. Beijerinck and K. A. H. van Leeuwen and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Magnetically Induced Laser Cooling for Ne*: Approaching the Recoil Limit", JOURNAL = eurl, VOLUME = "19", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "669", YEAR = "1992" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Rey92, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf and Peter Reynolds", TITLE = "Laser Cooling Atoms To Ultra-Low Temperatures In A Magnetic Field", JOURNAL = "Naval Research Reviews, Office of Naval Research Two, Vol.", VOLUME = "XLIV", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1992" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:Gup91, AUTHOR = "R. Gupta and S. Padua and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Search for Motional Quantization of Laser-Cooled Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Ferm, Varenna, Italy", EDITOR = "E. Arimondo and W. D. Phillips and F. Strumia", PUBLISHER = "North-Holland Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", VOLUME = "", PAGES = "345", YEAR = "1992" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Xie93, AUTHOR = "C. Xie and R. Gupta and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Beam Profile Flattener for Gaussian Beams", JOURNAL = optl, VOLUME = "18", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "173", YEAR = "1993" } @ARTICLE{HJM:van93, AUTHOR = "P. van der Straten and S-Q. Shang and B. Sheehy and H. Metcalf and G. Nienhuis", TITLE = "Laser Cooling at Low Intensity in a Strong Magnetic Field", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "47", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "4160", YEAR = "1993" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Xie93a, AUTHOR = "S. Padua and C. Xie and R. Gupta and H. Batelaan and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Transient Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "70", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3217", YEAR = "1993" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Rya93, AUTHOR = "R. Ryan and L. Westling and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Two Photon Spectroscopy in Rubidium with a Diode Laser", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "10", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1643", YEAR = "1993" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Gup93, AUTHOR = "R. Gupta and C. Xie and S. Padua and H. Batelaan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Bichromatic Laser Cooling in a Three Level System", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "71", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3087", YEAR = "1993" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Gup94, AUTHOR = "R. Gupta and S. Padua and C. Xie and H. Batelaan and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Simplest Atomic System for Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "11", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "537", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Hoo94, AUTHOR = "M. Hoogerland and H. de Bie and H. Beijerinck and K. van Leeuwen and P. van der Straten and E. Vredenbregt and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Force and Diffusion Measurements in Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "72", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3332", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Doe94, AUTHOR = "M. Doery and M. Widmer and J. Bellanca and E. Vredenbregt and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Energy Bands and Bloch States in 1-D Laser Cooling and their effects on the velocity distribution", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "72", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2546", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Bat94, AUTHOR = "H. Batelaan and S. Padua and D-H. Yang and C. Xie and R. Gupta and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Slowing of Rb Atoms with Isotropic Light", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "49", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2780", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:van94, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and P. van der Straten", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms - A major review article covering the entire field", JOURNAL = "Physics Reports", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mea94, AUTHOR = "D. Meacher and D. Boiron and H. Metcalf and C. Salomon and G. Grynberg", TITLE = "Method for Velocimetry of Cold Atoms", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "50", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "R1992", YEAR = "1994" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ste95, AUTHOR = "C-H. Iu and G. Stevens and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Instrumentation for Multistep Excitation of Lithium Atoms to Rydberg States", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "34", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2640", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Rya95, AUTHOR = "R. Ryan and L. Westling and R. Blumel and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Two-Photon Spectroscopy as a Technique for Characterizing Diode Laser Noise", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "52", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3157", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Doe95, AUTHOR = "M. Doery and R. Gupta and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf and E. Vredenbregt", TITLE = "Bichromatic Velocity-Selective Coherent Population Trapping", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "51", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2334", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ste95a, AUTHOR = "G. Stevens and C-H. Iu and S. Williams and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Hyperfine Splitting of the 3$^2$S State of Li Measured Using Stark Spectroscopy of Rydberg States", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "51", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2866", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ste95b, AUTHOR = "G. Stevens and C-H. Iu and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf and I. Seipp and K. Taylor and D. Delande", TITLE = "Absolute Calibration of Electric Fields Using Stark Spectroscopy", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "75", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3402", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Doe95a, AUTHOR = "M. Doery and M. Widmer and J. Bellanca and W. Buell and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf and E. Vredenbregt", TITLE = "Population Accumulation in Dark States", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "52", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "2295", YEAR = "1995" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Wid96, AUTHOR = "M. Widmer and M. Doery and J. Bellanca and W. Buell and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "High Velocity Dark States in Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "53", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "946", YEAR = "1996" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ste96, AUTHOR = "G. Stevens and C-H. Iu and T. Bergeman and Harold Metcalf and I. Seipp and K. Taylor and D. Delande", TITLE = "Precision Measurements of Lithium Atoms in an Electric Field Compared with R-Matrix and Other Stark Theories", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "53", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1349", YEAR = "1996" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Wid96a, AUTHOR = "M. Widmer and M-J. Bellanca and W. Buell and Harold Metcalf and M. Doery and E. Vredenbregt", TITLE = "Measurement of Force-Assisted Population Accumulation in Dark States", JOURNAL = optl, VOLUME = "21", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "606", YEAR = "1996" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Hoo96, AUTHOR = "M. Hoogerland and H. de Bie and H. C. W. Beijerinck and E. Vredenbregt and K. A. H. van Leeuwen and P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Force, Diffusion, and Channeling in Sub-Doppler Laser Cooling", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "54", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "3206", YEAR = "1996" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met97, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling as a Form of Optical Pumping", JOURNAL = phys, VOLUME = "T70", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "57", YEAR = "1997" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mol97, AUTHOR = "P. Molenaar and P. van der Straten and H. Heideman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Diagnostic Technique for Zeeman-Compensated Atomic Beam Slowing: Technique and Results", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "55", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "605", YEAR = "1997" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met97a, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Dark States and deBroglie Wave Optics", JOURNAL = actppa, VOLUME = "93", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "147", YEAR = "1997" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Wil96, AUTHOR = "M. Williams and M-J. Bellanca and L. Liu and C. Xie and W. Buell and T. Bergeman and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Atom Cooling in One Dimension with High Intensity Laser Light", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "57", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "401", YEAR = "1998" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met98, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "That Flashing Sound: Sonoluminescence", JOURNAL = sci, VOLUME = "279", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1322", YEAR = "1998" } @BOOK{HJM:Met99, AUTHOR = "Harold Metcalf and Peter van der Straten", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Trapping", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "NY", YEAR = "1999", COMMENT = " A graduate level textbook covering cooling and trapping, theory and applications" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Wil99, AUTHOR = "M. Williams and F. Chi and M. Cashen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Measurement of the Bichromatic Optical Force on Rb Atoms", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "60", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1763", YEAR = "1999" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Wil00, AUTHOR = "M. Williams and F. Chi and M. Cashen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Bichromatic Force measurements using Atomic Beam Deflections", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "61", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "023408", YEAR = "2000" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cas00, AUTHOR = "M. Cashen and V. Bretin and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Optical Pumping in $^4$He* with Frequency-Shifted Feedback Amplification of Light", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "530", YEAR = "2000" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Hac00, AUTHOR = "J. Hack and L. Liu and M. Olshanii and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Velocity-Selective Coherent Population Trapping of Two-Level Atoms", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "62", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "013405", YEAR = "2000" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Lei00, AUTHOR = "H. Leinen and D. Glassner and H. Metcalf and R. Wynands and D. Haubrich and D. Meschede", TITLE = "GaN Blue Diode Lasers: a Spectrocopist's View", JOURNAL = apppb, VOLUME = "70", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "567", YEAR = "2000" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ber01, AUTHOR = "R. Bertram and H. Merrimeche and M. Mutzel and H. Metcalf and D. Haubrich and D. Meschede and P. Rosenbusch and E. Hinds", TITLE = "A Magnetic Whispering-Gallery Mirror for Atoms", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "63", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "053405", YEAR = "2001" } @INCOLLECTION{HJM:Met01, AUTHOR = "Peter van der Straten and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "Handbook of Optics IV", EDITOR = "Michael Bass et al.", PUBLISHER = "McGraw Hill", ADDRESS = "NY", YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "28.1", COMMENT = "Handbook of Optics, vol. IV, Chapter 28, 41 pages" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cas01, AUTHOR = "M. Cashen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Bichromatic Force on Helium", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "63", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "025406", YEAR = "2001" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Chi01, AUTHOR = "Felix Chi and Matt Partlow and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Precision Velocimetry in a Thermal Atomic Beam by Stimulated Optical Compton Scattering", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "64", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "043407", YEAR = "2001" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cas01a, AUTHOR = "M. Cashen and O. Rivoire and V. Romanenko and L. Yatsenko and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Strong Optical Forces in Frequency-Modulated Light", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "64", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "063411", YEAR = "2001" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cas02, AUTHOR = "M. Cashen and O. Rivoire and L. Yatsenko and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Coherent Exchange of Momentum Between Atoms and Light", JOURNAL = "Opt. B, Quant. Semiclassical Opt.", VOLUME = "4", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "75", YEAR = "2002" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Liu02, AUTHOR = "L. Liu and M. J. Bellanca and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Evolution of Coherent Dark States", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "65", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "043401", YEAR = "2002" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mes03, AUTHOR = "D. Mescehede and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Atomic Nanofabrication: Atomic Deposition and Lithography by Laser and Magnetic Forces", JOURNAL = joupd, VOLUME = "36", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "R17", YEAR = "2003" } @ARTICLE{HJM:van03, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and P. van der Straten", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "20", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "887", YEAR = "2003" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cas03, AUTHOR = "M. Cashen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Optical Forces on Atoms in Non-Monochromatic Light", JOURNAL = JOUOSAB, VOLUME = "20", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "915", YEAR = "2003" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:van03a, AUTHOR = "P. van der Straten and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "The Quest for BEC", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Heidelberg School", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", VOLUME = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "2003" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Yatl04, AUTHOR = "L. Yatsenko and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Dressed State View of the Bichromatic Force", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "70", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "063402", YEAR = "2004" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HJM:van04, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf and P. van der Straten", TITLE = "Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms", BOOKTITLE = "The Optics Encyclopedia", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany", VOLUME = "2", PAGES = "975", YEAR = "2004" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Par04, AUTHOR = " M. Partlow and X. Miao and J. Bochmann and M. Cashen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Bichromatic Slowing and Collimation to Make an Intense Helium Beam", JOURNAL = phyrl, VOLUME = "93", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "213004", YEAR = "2004" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Lu05, AUTHOR = " T. Lu and X. Miao and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Bloch Theorem on the Bloch Sphere", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "71", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "061405", YEAR = "2005" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Met06, AUTHOR = "H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Undergrads Show Their Stuff at FiO Research Symposium", JOURNAL = "Optics and Photonics News", VOLUME = "18", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", YEAR = "2006" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Mia07, AUTHOR = "X. Miao and E. Wertz and M. G. Cohen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Strong Optical Forces from Adiabatic Rapid Passage", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "75", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "011402", YEAR = "2007" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Lu07, AUTHOR = "T. Lu and X. Miao and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Non-adiabatic Transitions in Finite-Time Adiabatic Rapid passage", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "75", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "063422", YEAR = "2007" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Ver07, AUTHOR = "A. Vernaleken and M. Cohen and H. Metcalf", TITLE = "Interferometric Measurement of Acoustic Velocity in PbMoO$_4$ and TeO$_2$", JOURNAL = appo, VOLUME = "46", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "7117", YEAR = "2007" } @ARTICLE{HJM:klo08, author = {B. Kl\"oter and C. Weber and D. Haubrich and D. Meschede and H. Metcalf}, collaboration = {}, title = {Laser Cooling of an Indium Atomic Beam Enabled by Magnetic Fields}, publisher = {APS}, year = {2008}, journal = phyra, volume = {77}, number = {3}, eid = {033402}, numpages = {6}, pages = {033402}, keywords = {atom-photon collisions; dark states; ground states; indium; laser cooling; laser tuning; optical pumping}, url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v77/e033402}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.77.033402} } @article{HJM:Met08, author = {Harold Metcalf}, collaboration = {}, title = {Entropy Exchange in Laser Cooling}, publisher = {APS}, year = {2008}, journal = phyra, volume = {77}, number = {6}, eid = {061401}, numpages = {4}, pages = {061401}, keywords = {entropy; laser cooling; spontaneous emission}, url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v77/e061401}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.77.061401} } @ARTICLE{HJM:Yu08, AUTHOR = "MA Hong-Yu and Hua-Dong Cheng and Yu-Zhu Wang and Liang Liu and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Ultra-Slow Atomic Beam Generation by Velocity Selective Resonance", JOURNAL = "Chinese Physics Letters", VOLUME = "25", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1646-1648", YEAR = "2008" } @ARTICLE{HJM:All10, AUTHOR = "Claire S. Allred and Jason Reeves and Christopher Corder and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Atom Lithography with Metastable Helium", JOURNAL = jouap, VOLUME = "107", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "033116", YEAR = "2010" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sta11, AUTHOR = "Dan Stack and John Elgin and Petr Anisimov and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Numerical Studies of Optical Forces from Adiabatic Rapid Passage", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "84", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "013420", YEAR = "2011" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Lu11, AUTHOR = "Xiaoxu Lu and Yuan Sun and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Rydberg Atom Spectroscopy Enabled by Blackbody Radiation Ionization", JOURNAL = phyra, VOLUME = "84", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "033402", YEAR = "2011" } @ARTICLE{HJM:Sun14, author = "Sun, Yuan and Metcalf, Harold", title = "Nonadiabaticity in Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage", journal = "Phys. Rev. A", volume = "90", pages = {033408}, year = "2014" } % issue = {3}, % numpages = {8}, % } @ARTICLE{HJM:Cor15a, title = {Laser Cooling without Spontaneous Emission}, author = {Corder, Christopher and Arnold, Brian and Metcalf, Harold}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {114}, pages = {043002}, numpages = {5}, year = {2015} } %month = {Jan}, % issue = {4}, % publisher = {American Physical Society}, % doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.043002}, % url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.043002} %} @ARTICLE{HJM:Cor15b, author = {Christopher Corder and Brian Arnold and Xiang Hua and Harold Metcalf}, title = {Laser Cooling Without Spontaneous Emission Using the Bichromatic Force}, volume = {32}, journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am. B}, pages = {B75--B83}, year = {2015}} %keywords = {Laser cooling; Atom optics ; Laser cooling}, %number = {5}, %publisher = {OSA}, %month = {May}, %url = {http://josab.osa.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josab-32-5-B75}, %doi = {10.1364/JOSAB.32.000B75} @BOOK{HJM:PvS16, AUTHOR = "Peter van der Straten and Harold Metcalf", TITLE = "Atoms and Molecules Interacting with Light", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", ADDRESS = "Cambridge CB2 8BS, UK", YEAR = "2016", COMMENT = "A comprehensive textbook for the laser era" } @article{HJM:Hua16, title = {Simulation of Laser Cooling by the Bichromatic Force}, author = {Hua, Xiang and Corder, Christopher and Metcalf, Harold}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, pages = {063410}, volume = {93}, year = {2016} } % month = {Jun}, % publisher = {American Physical Society} %issue = {6}, %numpages = {6}, % doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.93.063410}, %url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.93.063410} @article{HJM:Met17, title = {Strong Optical Forces on Atoms in Multifrequency Light}, author = {Harold Metcalf}, journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys}, pages = {041001}, volume = {89}, year = {2017} } @article{HJM:Fan23, title = {Measurements of Velocity-Selective Resonances from Adiabatic Rapid Passage}, author = {Fang, Yifan and Buonocore, Edoardo and Wahl, Michael and Metcalf, Harold}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, volume = {107}, issue = {5}, pages = {L051101}, year = {2023}, month = {May}, } %numpages = {4}, %publisher = {American Physical Society}, % doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.107.L051101}, % url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.L051101}