Proposal Development Support
Request Support Here
Please note that OPD priority areas currently include large and complex proposals,
and supporting proposals for early-career tenure-track faculty. If you are requesting assistance with a large (i.e. $5,000,000+) or collaborative
grant, please submit your request at least 10 to 12 weeks prior to the sponsor due
date. If you are requesting assistance with a NIH Institutional Training Grants, please
submit your request at least 6 months prior to the sponsor due date.
OPD provides skilled administrative support to faculty and principal investigators
when developing grant proposals for external funding. A variety of services are available
to enhance the overall quality and competitiveness of proposals.
- Proposal Management - OPD partners with PIs throughout the entire proposal process
to manage the following:
- Analyze the Request for Application (RFA), comparing the draft proposal to RFA for
compliance and completeness
- Develop checklists and establish timelines
- Proofread and copy edit
- Assist in writing the non-programmatic sections (e.g., Broader Impacts, Data Management Plans, etc.)
- Negotiate requests for institutional research support
- Manage the MyResearch routing of proposals for internal review prior to submission to sponsor
- Review, in detail, all supplementary administrative documents for compliance with
the sponsor's required formats and content, such as biosketches and letters of collaboration
- Provide logistical support and access to other available resources (science writers,
graphic artists, etc.)
- Coordinate and collaborate with the Office of Sponsored Programs to help ensure compliance with proposal preparation requirements and expedite proposal
- Administrative Components (e.g., budget development, biosketches, data training tables,
subcontract documentation)
- Proposal Systems Assistance (e.g., myResearch, FastLane, ASSIST)
- Identifying Funding Opportunities
- Repository of Proposal Resources - SharePoint