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Hongshik Ahn

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Ph.D., 1992, University of Wisconsin
Biostatistics; Survival Analysis

Hongshik Ahn’s specialty is tree-structured regression modeling for censored survival data.  After earning his Ph.D., he initially worked as a biostatistician at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) on animal carcinogenicity, developmental toxicology, and drug stability analysis. He came to Stony Brook in 1996, but continued working on NCTR problems while developing new collaborations with Stony Brook biomedical researchers.  His research has been funded by NIH.

Office: Math Tower, 1-112
Phone: 631-632-8372 



Pei Fen KuanPF Kuan

Associate Professor, Ph.D., 2009
University of Wisconsin, Madison; Statistical Genomics

Pei Fen Kuan's research interests focus on statistical and computational issues arising from the problems in genome biology. Many of her research projects center around tiling arrays and the next generation sequencing platforms. Her research activities have been directed at developing statistical methodologies to facilitate the analysis, integration and interpretation of high-throughput omics data.

Office: Math Tower 1-106
Phone: 631-632-1419 

Song WuSong Wu

Associate Professor, Ph.D., 2008
University of Florida: Statistics

Song Wu’s research focuses mainly on statistical genetics by developing new methodologies to unravel the genetics underlying complex traits. He had received intensive training in both Statistics and Genetics, and is working towards bridging these two fields. His specific research areas include QTL mapping, linkage mapping, linkage disequilibrium mapping, microarray data analysis, genome-wide association study, next-generation sequencing data analysis (WG-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq), molecular pathway analysis, bioinformatics and applied longitudinal data analysis.

Office: Math Tower 1-114
Phone: 631-632-8872 


Haipeng Xingphoto not avail 2

Professor, Ph.D., 2005
Stanford University: Financial Statistics, Change Point Methods

Haipeng Xing is a statistician whose research is focused on: (i) change-points detection, parameter estimation and adaptive control problems and their applications in engineering, economics and genetics; (ii) statistical models and methods in financial econometrics and engineering; and (iii) time series modeling.  He is co-author, with T.L. Lai of Stanford, of a major textbook on financial statistics. 

Office: Math Tower 1-102
Phone: 631-632-1892 


Wei Zhuphoto not avail 2

Professor, and  CEAS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and International Programs, Ph.D., 1996 University of California, Los Angeles: Biostatistics

Wei Zhu is a statistician whose diverse research projects include design and analysis of experiments (for dose response studies and clinical trials), longitudinal and contemporaneous pathway discovery and analysis (for biological pathways and financial networks), errors in variable modeling (for measurement platform/instrument comparisons and calibrations), and robust regression analysis. Her former students have taken positions in academia and in a broad range of industry as quality control managers, biostatisticians, risk managers and financial analysts. Professor Zhu is also affiliated with the SBU Center for Finance (t

Office: Math Tower P-138
Phone: 631-632-8374