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Esteban Agosin Otero

Esteban Agosin Otero

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization: Specializing in Sound Art, Mechatronics, and Critical Making, I focus on the intersection of art, technology, and ecology. My work centers on creating technological systems that provoke unexpected outcomes.

Ph.D.  University of Washington
Office: Staller Center for the Arts #4208
Office Hours: 

Esteban Agosin is a sound and electronic media artist originally from Valparaiso, Chile. In 2024, he received a PhD in Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington. He lives and works in New York and is an assistant professor of Digital Arts and Media at Stony Brook University. His work engages with the question of how technology provide a perspective to observe and understand our natural, social and political environment. And also, inquiring on the aesthetic possibilities of using art and technology in order to re-imagine and speculate about our environment. His work involves sound and media installations, robotic objects, and media performance, and it has been presented in art festivals and solo exhibitions in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, the United States, Spain, Finland, and France. Furthermore, Esteban has worked as an educator at different universities in Chile, Argentina, and the United States, teaching and investigating the intersection of sound, media, and technology.