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Trainee Research



Conference Poster

How Considering Future Consequences of Purchase Decisions Relates to Beliefs About the Utility of Money
Carl J. Wiedemann & Antonio L. Freitas, Ph.D.

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2023 Annual Convention
February 23-25
Atlanta, GA


Conference Poster

Facial Expressions May Forecast Depression Diagnosis in 5 Years
Sekine Ozturk, M.A., Roman Kotov, Ph.D., Aprajita Mohanty, Ph.D.

The Society for Affective Science 2023 Conference
March 30-April 1
Long Beach, California


Conference Presentation

Reactance to Vaccine Mandates: Vaccine mandates and emotions toward vaccines and public officials on Twitter
Pei-Hsun Hsieh

5th Annual COMPTEXT Conference 2023
May 12-13
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 


Conference Presentation

A Brief Intervention to Help Listeners Process an Unfamiliar Non-Native Accent 
James May, Jeanne Charoy, Emily Napoli, Chikako Takahashi, Jean Hendrickson, Marie Huffman, and Susan E. Brennan

Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting
November 16-19, 2023
San Francisco, California 


Conference Poster

Extracting Information from Obstetricians' Judgments Using Order-Constrained Models
Alexandra Ortmann, Medhini Urs, Daniel R. Cavagnaro, Michel Regenwetter, Christian C. Luhmann

The Society for Judgment and Decision Making 2023 Annual Meeting
November 17-20
San Francisco, California 


Conference Poster

Retention of Underrepresented Students in STEM: Lesson's from Stony Brook's Simons STEM Scholar Program
Alexandra Anthonioz, Chelsie O. Burchett, Tori Peña, Erwin Cabrera, Natasha McCombs, Brady Brick, Catherine Scott, Bonita London

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024 Annual Convention
February 8-10
San Diego, California


Conference Poster

Social Media and Social Networks: College Student Experiences with Vicarious Racism 
Rosa M. Bermejo and Dr. Bonita London

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024 Annual Convention
February 8-10
San Diego, California

Conference Poster

Vicarious Racism from Social Networks and Media Predicts Psychological Distress Among Undergraduates 
Rosa M. Bermejo and Dr. Bonita London

National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education
May 28 - June 1, 2024
Honolulu, Hawai'i


Conference Paper

BeLeaf: Belief Prediction as Tree Generation
John Murzaku and Owen Rambow

2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 
June 16-21
Mexico City, Mexico


Conference Presentation

The Nature of Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence Among Mass Publics
Ignacio Urbina and Oleg Smirnov

Will a Robot Take My Job?
Ignacio Urbina

Midwest Political Science Association 2024 Annual Meeting
April 4-7
Chicago, Illinois 


Journal Paper

A Computational Decision-Tree Approach to Inform Post-Conviction Intake Decisions 
Kalina Kostyszyn, Carl J. Wiedemann, Rosa Bermejo, Amie Paige, Kristen W. Kalb-DellaRatta, & Susan E. Brennan

The Wrongful Conviction Law Review
May 31, 2024

Poster, Institute for Advanced Computatutational Science 


Workshop Poster

Listening to Code-Switching: Do Bilinguals' Language Backgrounds Matter? 
MacKenzie Johnson and Susan E. Brennan

BCBL Pupillometry Workshop
May 29-31, 2024
San Sebastian, Spain 


Workshop Poster

Transformers, but Not the Kind You're Thinking of: Commodity Market Forecasting Using Natual Language Processing
Dana Golden, Dikshya Mohanty, and Khushboo Singh 

ACM Conference: Gender Inclusive Workshop
July 8-11, 2024
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut 


Conference Paper

Views Are My Own, but Also Yours: Benchmarking Theory of Mind Using Common Ground
Adil Soubki, John Murzaku, Arash Yousefi Jordehi, Peter Zeng, Magdalena Markowska, Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel, and Owen Rambow 

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 
August 11-16, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand


Conference Paper 

Training LLMs to Recognize Hedges in Spontaneous Narratives
Amie J. Paige, Adil Soubki, John Murzaku, Owen Rambow, and Susan E. Brennan

SIGdial 2024
September 18-20, 2024
Kyoto, Japan