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Student Publications



Kafi Belfon

Characterization of an Acinetobacter baumannii Monofunctional Phosphomethylpyrimidine Kinase That Is Inhibited by Pyridoxal Phosphate

Yu-Ching Chen

Uncovering the roles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis melH in redox and bioenergetic homeostasis: implications for antitubercular therapy

Brandon Irizarry

An electrostatic cluster guides Aβ40 fibril formation in sporadic and Dutch-type cerebral amyloid angiopathy

Pavana Suresh

Linking insulin receptor activation to hydrophobic mismatch using transmembrane mutations

MαCD-based plasma membrane outer leaflet lipid exchange in mammalian cells to study insulin receptor activity


Kafi Belfon

Structure-Guided Discovery of N5-CAIR Mutase Inhibitors  

Yu-Ching Chen

A Chemoproteomic Approach to Elucidate the Mechanism of Action of 6-Azasteroids with Unique Activity in Mycobacteria

Yong-Mi Choi

Structural insights into perilipin 3 membrane association in response to diacylglycerol accumulation

Ming-Hao Li

Interspecies Variation Affects Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Membrane Binding

Impact of Ca2+ on membrane catalyzed IAPP amyloid formation and IAPP induced vesicle leakage


Forrest Bowling

Defining the proximal interaction networks of Arf GTPases reveals a mechanism for the regulation of PLD1 and PI4KB

Yong-Mi Choi

Structure and Dynamics of Human Perilipin 3 Membrane Association

Measurement of neutral ceramidase activity in vitro and in vivo

Ming-Hao Li

Analysis of Sheep and Goat IAPP Provides Insight into IAPP Amyloidogenicity and Cytotoxicity

Lauren Prentis

A molecular evolution algorithm for ligand design in DOCK

Pavana Suresh

Effect of MαCD-mediated phospholipid exchange on plasma membrane ordered lipid domain stability

Alexandra Weinheimer

Extended DNA binding interfaces beyond the canonical SAP domain contribute to the function of replication stress regulator SDE2 at DNA replication forks


Forrest Bowling

Structure and regulation of human phospholipase D

Brandon Irizarry

Human cerebral vascular amyloid contains both antiparallel and parallel in-register Aβ40 fibrils

Ming-Hao Li

Preparation of Asymmetric Vesicles with Trapped CsCl Avoids Osmotic Imbalance, Non-Physiological External Solutions, and Minimizes Leakage

The Fluorescent Dye 1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene Binds to Amyloid Fibrils Formed by Human Amylin and Provides a New Probe of Amylin Amyloid Kinetics

Frank Mindlin

Probing Interdomain Linkers and Protein Supertertiary Structure In Vitro and in Live Cells with Fluorescent Protein Resonance Energy Transfer

Pavana Suresh

Loss of plasma membrane lipid asymmetry can induce ordered domain (raft) formation

Using cyclodextrin-induced lipid substitution to study membrane lipid and ordered membrane domain (raft) function in cells

Phospholipid exchange shows insulin receptor activity is supported by both the propensity to form wide bilayers and ordered raft domains

Modulation of Insulin Receptor Activity Upon Plasma Membrane Sterol and Phospholipid Substitutions to Alter Lipid Domain Formation


Forrest Bowling

Crystal structure of human PLD1 provides insight into activation by PI(4,5)P2 and RhoA

Yong-Mi Choi

Identification of Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Neutral Ceramidase (nCDase) via Target-Based High-Throughput Screening

Valerie Khayyo

Crystal structure of a lipin/Pah phosphatidic acid phosphatase

Daeun Noh

Analysis of Amylin Consensus Sequences Suggests That Human Amylin Is Not Optimized to Minimize Amyloid Formation and Provides Clues to Factors That Modulate Amyloidogenicity

Analysis of Proline Substitutions Reveals the Plasticity and Sequence Sensitivity of Human IAPP Amyloidogenicity and Toxicity

Alexandra Weinheimer

SDE2 integrates into the TIMELESS-TIPIN complex to protect stalled replication forks


Frank Mindlin

Structure of the full-length Clostridium difficile toxin B

Daeun Noh

Analysis of Prairie Vole Amylin Reveals the Importance of the N-Terminus and Residue 22 in Amyloidogenicity and Cytotoxicity

Lauren Prentis

FABP1 controls hepatic transport and biotransformation of Δ9-THC

Alexandra Weinheimer

Proteolytic Control of Genome Integrity at the Replication Fork

Conditional degradation of SDE2 by the Arg/N-End rule pathway regulates stress response at replication forks


Bezalel Bacon

Bacterial haemoprotein sensors of NO: H-NOX and NosP 

Bacterial Heme-Based Sensors of Nitric Oxide. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling  

Frank Mindlin

Identifying weak interdomain interactions that stabilize the supertertiary structure of the N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95


Sanchez-Reyes OB, Cooke ALG, Tranter DB, Rashid D, Eilers M, Reeves PJ, Smith SO. Biophys J. 2017 Jun 6;112(11):2315-2326. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.04.051.

Chitrakar, I., Kim-Holzapfel, D.M., Zhou, W. and French, J.B. (2017) Higher Order Structures in Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism. J. Struct. Biol. 197(3): 354-364. 

WeberFishkin, S., Clark, R., Galanakis, D., Irizarry, B., Young, A. and Frame, M. (2017) Fibrinogen and its Soluble Fibrin as Mediators of Erythrocyte Aggregation. FASEB Abstract Number:677.6

Yasunori Noguchi(*), Zuanning Yuan(*), Lin Bai(*), Sarah Schneider, Bruce Stillman, Christian Speck, and Huilin Li Cryo-EM structure of Mcm2-7 double-hexamer on DNA suggests a lagging strand DNA extrusion model (2017)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 114(45) * co-first author

Zuanning Yuan, Lin Bai, Alberto Riera, Jingchuan Sun, Bruce Stillman, Christian Speck, and Huilin Li   Structural basis of Mcm2-7 replicative helicase loading by ORC-Cdc6 and Cdt1. (2017) Nature Structural & Molecular biology 24(3):316-324 

Ante Tocilj, Kin Fan On, Zuanning Yuan, Jingchuan Sun, Elad Elkayam, Huilin Li, Bruce Stillman, Leemor Joshua-Tor Structure of the active form of human Origin Recognition Complex and its ATPase motor module (2017) eLife 6:e20818)

Roxana Georgescu*, Zuanning Yuan*, Lin Bai*, Ruda de Luna Almeida Santos, Jingchuan Sun, Dan Zhang, Olga Yurieva, Huilin Li and Michael E. O’Donnell Structure of Eukaryotic CMG Helicase at a Replication Fork and Implications to Replisome Architecture and Origin Initiation (2017)  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 113(48):13612-13617)* co-first author

Georgescu, R. , Yuan, Z., Bai, L., Santos, R.L.A., Sun, J., Zhang, D., Yurieva, O., Li, H., O’Donnell, M.E. (2017) Structure of CMG helicase at a replication fork.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.  114 (5), E697-E706.

Santos, R.L.A., Bai, L., Singh, P.K., Murakami, N., Fan, H., Zhan, W., Zhu, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, K., Assker, J.P., Nathan, F.C., Li, H., Azzi, J., Lin, G. (2017) Structure of human immunoproteasome with a reversible and noncompetitive inhibitor that selectively inhibits activated lymphocytes. Nature Communications  8(1):1692.

St Clair, J. R. S., Wang, Q., Li, G., & London, E. (2017). Preparation and Physical Properties of Asymmetric Model Membrane Vesicles. In The Biophysics of Cell Membranes (pp. 1-27). Springer, Singapore.

Zhang, X., St. Clair, J. R., London, E., & Raleigh, D. P. (2017). Islet amyloid polypeptide membrane interactions: Effects of membrane composition. Biochemistry56(2), 376-390.

Shek, R., Dattmore, D. A., Stives, D. P., Jackson, A. L., Chatfield, C. H., Hicks, K. A., and French, J. B. (2017) Structural and functional basis for targeting Campylobacter jejuni agmatine deiminase to overcome antibiotic resistanceBiochemistry 56, 6734-6742


Li, G., Kim, J., Huang, Z., Clair, J. R. S., Brown, D. A., & London, E. (2016). Efficient replacement of plasma membrane outer leaflet phospholipids and sphingolipids in cells with exogenous lipids.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.113(49), 14025-14030.

Zuanning Yuan, Lin Bai, Jingchuan Sun, Roxana Georgescu, Jun Liu, Michael E. O’Donnell, Huilin Li  Structure of the eukaryotic replicative CMG helicase and pumpjack motion (2016) Nature Structural & Molecular Biology23(3):217-24


Yang, M., Lu, R., Guja, K. E., Wipperman, M. F., St. Clair, J. R., Bonds, A. C., ... & Sampson, N. S. (2015). Unraveling cholesterol catabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: ChsE4-ChsE5 α2β2 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase initiates β-oxidation of 3-oxo-cholest-4-en-26-oyl CoA. ACS Infectious Diseases1(2), 110-125.

Chen YC, Wu YT, and Wei YH. (2015) Depletion of mitoferrins leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and impairment of adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Free Radic Res. 49(11):1285-95.

Jingchuan Sun, Yi Shi, Roxana E Georgescu, Zuanning Yuan, Brian T Chait, Huilin Li &Michael E O’Donnell The architecture of a eukaryotic replisome (2015) Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.22(12):976-82

Matarlo, J. S., Evans, C. E., Sharma, I., Lavaud, L. J., Ngo, S. C., Shek, R., Rajashankar, K. R., French, J. B., Tan, D. S., and Tonge, P. J. (2015) Mechanism of MenE inhibition by acyl-adenylate analogues and discovery of novel antibacterial agentsBiochemistry 54, 6514.


Jingchuan Sun, Alejandra Fernandez-Cid, Alberto Riera, Silvia Tognetti, Zuanning Yuan, Bruce Stillman, Christian Speck, Huilin Li Structural and mechanistic insights into Mcm2–7 double-hexamer assembly and function (2014) Genes & Development. 28: 2291-2303


Li CJ, Huang SY, Wu MY, Chen YC, Tsang SF, Chyuan JH,and Hsu HY. (2012) Induction of apoptosis by ethanolic extract of Corchorus olitorius leaf in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells via a mitochondria-dependent pathway.  Molecules 3;17(8):9348-60.