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Dana S. De Sando '20
BA Anthropology 

Bailee Bottari

Why Stony Brook?
I grew up near the campus and used to visit the Staller Center once a year. As a young dancer, the company I would dance with hosted their annual recitals there, and I fell in love with the campus.I chose SBU because I loved the campus and the diversity amongst the students. 

On her program of study:
I am an Anthropology major, and chose it after taking Biological Anthropology with Dr. Gabrielle Russo in my first semester here. I originally came in as a Psychology major, and still am sure to take at least one psychology course per semester. 

On her favorite class:
My favorite class was Primate Conservation with Dr. Patricia Wright, because she is so passionate about the topic. She wants to inspire her students to actively be involved in conservation of not only the many primate species, but any endangered species, and our environment.

On her interests and accomplishments: 
My interests involve a balance between psychology, mostly of therapies, mental health and of suicide awareness. As well as my love of anthropology, which stemmed from interest in developing societies and conservation, as well as better understanding different cultures. Given the current circumstances, I am glad I had the opportunity to gain knowledge of how societies in the past have responded to disaster, as well as a better understanding of how the stress of quarantine and this past year has taken on the mental health of many.

On her greatest achievement:
I think my greatest achievement (so far) has been obtaining a wonderful job at the field level with Estee Lauder, which allows me to work for a company whose values and mission I admire and respect.

Plans for post-graduation:
My plans when graduation is over are to spend time with my family and to stay healthy. I am in the process of researching graduate programs and have aspirations of furthering my education in mental health counseling. However, I am taking a gap year to reflect on all that 2020 has brought us, so those plans may change.

Clubs and organizations: 
I have been a member of the Undergraduate Anthropology Society since the Fall of 2018, which I am so grateful for. I have met close friends, and been able to learn more from and work with the students and faculty of the SBU Anthropology Department. I have been the Vice President of this Organization for the Fall of 2020, which has been challenging, but rewarding. 

Advice for future Seawolves: 
Stay open-minded, because you never know where you will end up, who you could meet, and what you will learn from new, unexpected experiences. 

On her favorite SBU memory: 
My favorite memory from SBU is helping my classmate with a film project for one of her SBU courses, which we worked on with our friends who we had met from the Undergraduate Anthropology Society, and it was something I will never forget, because I can watch the film whenever I want, which brings me so much happiness. 

On graduating during COVID-19:
Obviously, it is not a great feeling to not have your anticipated graduation and to not be able to spend your last semester on the campus you’ve grown to love. However, we are a year that stands out, and the graduates of 2020 (as well students not graduating) are acknowledged for their accomplishments in such an unusual and challenging year. 

How will you celebrate graduation?
My family and I will be watching the Commencement together, and enjoying dinner at home by the fire. It should be a nice, quiet, evening. 

Parting thoughts:
Congratulations to the Class of 2020, you are all incredible and I cannot wait to see how we change the world.