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For Mentees

The CEAS Peer Mentoring Program was first introduced to incoming freshmen in Fall 2013. Matriculating students requested upperclassmen as mentors for their first year at Stony Brook and were paired based on intended major as well as other interests. The program looks to expand and offer this opportunity not only to incoming freshman, but incoming transfer students as well.

Benefits for the Mentees

  • Maintain a strong relationship with a current high achieving CEAS student who will guide them through the issues that many new students experience
  • Learn about resources and events at Stony Brook that will foster a stronger connection to the community and encourage success throughout their tenure at Stony Brook
  • Connect with faculty and staff early on in their career at Stony Brook
  • Interact and socialize with other students in the program at events and during mentoring meetings, which will give them a sense of community in an otherwise very large university.

The deadline to request a peer mentor for the 2024-2025 academic year has passed. If you are interested in being put on our waitlist, please email