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Research projects by students


Gabriel Hamill "Trends and Ethical Issues in Business Outsourcing" Recipient of the Jane and Armando Jannelli - URECA Award 2024. Faculty Advisor: Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov

Published paper: G. Hamill and J. Skorin-Kapov, "Trends and Ethical Issues in Business Outsourcing", International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, Vol 12, Issue 9, 34-41:


Louis Leon, "Aesthetics and Business Ethics: Impact on Leadership, Branding, Firm’s Morale". Recipient of The Jane and Armando Jannelli-URECA Award 2023. Faculty Advisor: Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov 

Published paper: Leon and J. Skorin-Kapov, “Aesthetics and Business Ethics: Impact on Leadership, Branding, Firm’s Morale, International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 10, 1-7.


 Jovher Tagangylyjov, "Profit versus Social Impact and Responsibility," (January 2022 - May 2022). Recipient of The Jane and Armando Jannelli-URECA Award 2022. Undergraduate honor thesis. Faculty Advisor: Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov

Published paper: J. Tagangylyjov and J. Skorin-Kapov, “Profit versus Social Impact and Responsibility”, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, Vol. 11, Issue 10, 1-7.


Diyor Zohidov, “Technology Innovation and Ethics of Business Competition”, (March 1, 2021 - May 15, 2021). Recipient of The Jane and Armando Jannelli-URECA Award 2021. Faculty Advisor: Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov

Published paper: D. Zohidov and J. Skorin-kapov, “Technology Innovation and Ethics of Business Competition”, International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), Vol. 10, Issue 9, September 2023, 161-167, September 2023;


Anna Mueller, “Ethical Dilemmas in Business and Government: Prevention of Unethical Conduct”, (August 24, 2020 - December 17, 2020). Undergraduate Honors Thesis. Recipient of The Jane and  Armando Jannelli-URECA Award 2019. Faculty Advisor: Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov

Published Paper: A. Mueller and J. Skorin-Kapov, “Ethical Dilemmas in Business and Local Government: Prevention of Unethical Conduct”, Journal of Business Ethics Education Vol. 20: 2023;  


Spring 2022

March 2, 2022 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (online via zoom)

Speaker:John J. Cimino, Jr. ( is founding president and CEO of Creative Leaps International (1992), Associated Solo Artists(1972) and THE RENAISSANCE CENTERfor Knowledge Integration, Interdisciplinary Thinking and Advanced Applications of Imagination (2018).  Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (biology & physics), the State University of New York at Albany (learning theory), and the Manhattan and Juilliard Schools of Music (music & voice), Cimino holds a uniquely interdisciplinary perspective and works across multiple disciplines dedicated to learning, leadership and human development. As a consultant and advisor to universities, his special focus is connectivity across disciplines and departments and the centrality of creativity, leadership and the arts in the intellectual and personal development of students and faculty. Cimino has brought his  “Concert of Ideas” and other educational inventions into projects of the White House, the United Nations, the Aspen Institute, and the Center for Creative Leadership, as well as to GE, Pfizer, and IBM and numerous universities and professional associations on five continents. He is an award-winning performing artist and composer, a recipient of more than 20 national and international awards:

Title: Leadership and the Inner Work of Art


The talk will present the article Leadership and the Inner Work of Artas an exploration and underscoring of the aesthetic dimension of leadership.  In addition, the talk will include a real-world proof of concept by pointing to two innovations that have emerged from mining this aesthetic dimension.  These are the Concerts of Ideas as an aesthetic instrument for catalyzing new thinking, and the Renaissance Center as an institutional catalyst for shifting how we approach complex global challenges and the design and delivery of higher education itself. The Renaissance Center seeks to cultivate and challenge the common interests of educators, leaders from business and government, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs, and to serve as a springboard to collaboration, research and social change. It is an interdisciplinary hub for innovation, whole-systems thinking, whole-enterprise or whole-campus discourse, renewal and transformation. 

The talk will be on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, from 1:00pm - 2:00pm . 
online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 910 2280 0640
Passcode: 052800

Fall 2021

November 3, 2021 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (online via zoom)

Speaker: Philip F. Palmedo studied art history and physics as an undergraduate at Williams College, and received his PhD in nuclear engineering from MIT. Retired from a distinguished career as a research scientist and entrepreneur, Palmedo is the author of several books on art, including The Experience of Modern Sculpture: A Guide to Enjoying Works of the Past 100 Years, and Deep Affinities: Art and Science. Dr. Palmedo is member of the Advisory Board for the Center for Integration of Business Education and Humanities (CIBEH).

Title: Deep Affinities: Art and Science

Abstract: Dr. Palmedo will talk about exploration of the fundamental connections between art and science, as an author who has lived in both worlds. Palmedo reveals how the two defining enterprises of humankind―art and science―are rooted in certain common instincts, which we might call aesthetic: an appreciation of symmetry, balance, and rhythm; the drive to simplify and abstract natural forms, and to represent them symbolically.
Palmedo traces these instincts back to a very early time in human history―demonstrating, for example, the level of abstract thinking required to create the stone tools and cave paintings of the Paleolithic―and then forward, to the builders of the Gothic cathedrals, to Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton, to Einstein and Picasso.

The talk will be on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 1:00pm - 2:00pm
online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 929 0308 0615         Passcode: 049485

Spring 2021

March 3, 2021 from 12:00 noon - 1:00pm (planned ONLINE via Zoom)

Speaker: Dipita Chakraborty, 

Dipita Chakraborty is an entrepreneur, management consultant, coach and people leader who has spent the last twenty five years examining consumer and behavioral data to make better business decisions.  Early in her career, Dipita co-founded TMG, a Marketing Analytics Consultancy that worked with Fortune 500 leaders in the Consumer Packaged Goods industry.  TMG was recognized for its success in the marketplace and acquired by The Nielsen Company, an industry leader in the CPG Marketing Analytics industry.  Dipita continued with Nielsen for 10 years in various Practice and Country leadership roles, pursuing her passion for inventing, consulting and coaching.  In recent years, she has worked as a Senior Client Partner with Fractal, an industry leader in AI Analytics and Behavioral Sciences.  She led Digital Transformation in Revenue Management at Fractal.

She holds a MS in Policy & Management from University of Stony Brook and serves on the Dean’s Advisory at the College of Business.

Title:  From Data to Decisions: Decoding Consumer Chatter with AI

Abstract: The increased pace of digitization of the world has opened many possibilities for marketers and researchers.  A whopping 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced by humans every day - unimaginable 10 years ago.  Texts, Images, Videos, Sound Clips…. Expressing human mind states, thoughts and opinions.  We can ethically harness, analyze and interpret this data to make many predictions on people’s unmet needs, emerging trends – which can fuel the next innovation in the marketplace.  Gone are the days where consumers are surveyed for their preferences, and companies use them to design new products on a long timeline  - the velocity and volume of available voluntary data has “short-circuited” the process and illuminated the unmet needs of consumers.  In our discussion, we will explore how Data Engineering, AI Algorithms and Behavioral Sciences come together to make sense of social chatter data and fuel the next consumer innovation.

The talk will be on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, from 12:00non - 1:00pm
Meeting ID: 921 6440 4686   Passcode: 891418 )

Fall 2020

October 21, 2020 from 12:00noon - 1:00pm (planned ONLINE via Zoom) 

Dr. Michael R. Spicher,  Aesthetics Area Editor, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Editor, Leonardo Electronic Almanac; Website: Aesthetics Research Lab

Title:    Aesthetics Matters: A Look at the World Beyond Art 

Abstract:  Aesthetic taste rose to prominence in the 18th century, and then quickly disappeared. Since the start of the 2000s, scholars have slowly returned to the traditional concepts in aesthetics—beauty, the sublime, and aesthetic experience. Aesthetic taste, however, has lagged behind. I think this happened for two main reasons: aesthetics is too often associated with art alone and taste is thought to have no connection with anything objective. In this talk, I want to show the importance of aesthetics for non-art fields, especially how it pervades popular culture and experience. Additionally, while aesthetic taste is subjective in terms of the feeling of the experience, it’s based on some objective content that is beneficial for businesses appealing to customers.

Spring 2019

April 3, 2019 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm    Wang Center LH 1, PROVOST LECTURE SERIES

Professor Mark Gibney, Belk Distinguished Professor at The University of North Carolina Asheville and an Affiliated Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Lund, Sweden.  Since 1984, Gibney has directed the Political Terror Scale (PTS), which measures levels of physical integrity violations in more than 185 countries. He is also one of the founding members of the Extraterritorial Obligations (ETO) Human Rights Consortium, which in November 2011 produced the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 

TITLE:  Seeing Human Rights through Film 

Abstract : Although human rights has achieved near-universal acceptance in political discourse, violations of those standards continue unabated.  This talk will addresses how film -- feature films, documentaries, animations, and even personal videos -- can assist us in seeing human rights violations, including our own contributions to such egregious practices, but also in understanding the manner in which human rights can (and should) be protected and enforced. 

Fall 2018

October 12, 2018 at 11:00am – 12:30pm      Harriman Hall 304

Professor Jadranka Skorin-Kapov, College of Business, Stony Brook University

Title: On Integration of Business, Philosophy, and Art: Business Ethics through Film

Abstract: The talk will discuss motivations behind developing the course Business Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film, and will present the new book entitled Professional and Business Ethics through Film: The Allure of Cinematic Presentation and Critical Thinking. The talk will address some real cases and some films related to the following issues: the corporate and banking financial machinations (greed, fraud, social responsibility); workplace ethical challenges (harassment, violence, inequity, inequality); professional and business ethical challenges (corruption, whistleblowing, outsourcing and downsizing, innovation and competition); relation of businesses with stakeholders in society and dealing with environmental issues (climate, vital resources, international relations and human rights, social inequality); personal responsibility and identity challenges due to career pressures, loss of privacy and cyber harassment, job structure changes in light of changing technology.

Spring 2018

April 20, 2018 at 3:00pm - 4:30pm Charles B. Wang Center Theater, PROVOST’S LECTURE SERIES:

Alexander Nehamas is Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature and the Carpenter Professor in the Humanities at Princeton University. His books include Nietzsche: Life as Literature, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault, Virtues of Authenticity: Essays on Plato and Socrates, Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art, and On Friendship. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

 Title: Metaphors in Our Lives: “I Love You for Yourself’’

Abstract: Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts, but surprisingly difficult to define. Nehamas argues that friendship is an aesthetic, but not always moral, good. Like metaphors and works of art, friendships are inexhaustible and the people who matter to us always remain a step beyond the furthest point our knowledge of them has reached—though only if, and as long as, they still matter to us. Love for our friends shape who we are and who we might become.


Fall 2017

October 2, 2017 at 2:30pm - 4:00pm Charles B. Wang Center Lecture Hall 1, PROVOST’S LECTURE SERIES:

Professor John Hoker, T. Jerome Holleran Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility and Professor of Operations Research, Carnegie Mellon University.

Title: Taking Ethics Seriously: Why Ethics Is an Essential Tool for the Modern Workplace

Abstract:  Ethics is no less important to an organization than technology or finance. We need ethics not to decide who is good or bad, but to build social infrastructure that is indispensable to getting anything done. This talk presents examples of how ethical dilemmas can be resolved, and sound organizational policies developed, on the basis of rigorous ethical analysis.

Fall 2016

October 24, 2016 at 5pm - 6:30pm Room 304 Harriman Hall:

Professor Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Denmark (

Title: Art, Philosophy, and Business: turns to speculative realism in European management scholarship

(Published in European Management Journal, 2015)

Abstract: This talk proposes turn-taking as a way to understand how European management scholarship opens up to societal phenomena as play, critique, artistry, and aesthetics co-creating business realities. European management scholarship rests on contributions, still mostly under the Anglo-Saxon publication radar, of people and platforms favoring un-scholastic scholarship where art and philosophy perform reality-checks. Such scholarship shares the ambitions of “speculative philosophy” turning away from “speculative fiction” preaching and defending preconceived ideals. A recent Carnegie Report criticizes the Business School for building speculative castles in the sky. European scholarship might rethink it as an Art School where managerial action is seen as philosophizing in a speculative realism-mode.


November 18, 2016 at 11am- 12:30pm, Room 304 Harriman Hall:

Eliza Jane Reilly, Ph.D.  Executive Director National Center for Science and Civic Engagement ( and Research Professor, Department of Technology and Society, Stony Brook University

Title:      Using Complex Civic Challenges to Enhance Student Learning in Business, the Arts, and Humanities

 Abstract: For the last seventeen years the SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities), has been helping faculty revitalize their teaching to improve student learning and engagement in STEM, while also increasing civic awareness, by teaching disciplinary content "through" complex public challenges, such as chronic and infectious diseases, threats to the environment, food security, energy, cyber security, and many others. This talk will describe the expansion of the SENCER strategy beyond STEM courses and programs, to social sciences, the arts, and humanities, and suggest its application to the business curriculum.

Spring 2016

March 23, 2016 at 5:30pm, Room 304 Harriman Hall:

Christian White, Artist  ( )

Title:       Why on Earth Should I Study Art in Business School?

 Abstract: Artist Christian White talks about the reasoning and advantages behind arts education combined with a Business School curriculum. Mr. White has had a long and varied career as a professional and educator in a wide variety of fields in the Arts, and will discuss how an arts education has affected the careers of business innovators like Steve Jobs and Ayah Bdeir, and how art classes can aid in decision-making and strategy in the business world. With an eye to the challenges ahead in a rapidly changing world of technology and geopolitical climate for business and industry, the need for creative and innovative problem-solving increasingly calls for the kind of education that is pursued in the arts. Christian White recently completed the execution of The Iconic Wall, A major sculpture installation in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. His paintings are included in the collections of several major Museums.

Fall 2015

November 13, 2015 at 1pm, Room 304 Harriman Hall:

Professor Matt Statler, NYU Stern School of Business, "Humanities and Arts in Management Education"

Abstract of the talk: Prof. Statler recently co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Management Education together with P. Guillet de Monthoux of Copenhagen Business School. The special issue, entitled Integrating Liberal Learning, Humanities, and Management Education: Putting the Carnegie Report Into Practice, includes a variety of perspectives and approaches to the integration of the arts and humanities within management education. In this talk, Prof. Statler will provide an overview of the special issue's contents, the activities currently underway in the field of management education, and the future prospects for the transformation of the basic ontology, epistemology and ethics of the business school.