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Guidance Documents

The documents found on this site are intended for use by Professional Engineers or licensed architects to design certain Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) technologies permitted under provisionally accepted or general use by Suffolk County (SC) Article 19 or ancillary technoligies for use as polishing units to be coupled to such technologies. The design specifications, installation and maintenance advice described here was developed by the NYS Center for Clean Water Technology (‘NYS CCWT’) based on reviews of published engineering and scholarly articles, governmental documents published by agencies of other states, New York State (NYS) and SC septic standards, its own research experiments and discussions with professionals involved with septic designs and installations. The documents are subject to further revision based on ongoing research and the results of NYS CCWT experiments and monitoring of wastewater treatment technologies.  

Woodchip Box Polishing Units