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Spring 2018 Dissent banner


The last three years have witnessed some of the most far-reaching changes in our political and national culture of modern times. From the Supreme Court’s support of gay  marriage and its opponents to the attempts to impose anti-immigrant ethnic cleansing amidst avid supporters of immigrant and minority rights, and in the face of the new-found readiness across the political spectrum to take to the streets, America and other western countries are in the midst of a voluble post-colonial crisis and a virulent nationalist backlash.

How do the highly visible currents of dissent in our body politic—whether left or right, from above and below—impact our intellectual endeavors?  Is history just repeating itself in the turn of the pendulum, or are we in a fundamentally new set of structures of dominance? And how can our scholarship help us to visualize and comprehend a way forward?

 Please Join Us at the Humanities Institute for the year of Dissent! Currents and Counter-Currents.  Invited scholars from across the world will address these questions through their scholarship and public activism. 

To download a pdf of the theme year poster, click here.

 Spring 2018 Events

All events are at 4pm in 1008 Humanities unless otherwise noted. (Dates, times, and locations of HISB events are subject to change.)

To download a pfd version of the calendar, click here.

January 31

HISB Public Graduate Humanities Fellowship Information session, 1:00-2:30 PM. Fellowship application deadline: February 16, 2018.

February 7

Lecture by Gaia Giuliani, Centre of Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra-Portugal – “The Color of the Nation: Intersectional Representations in Modern Italy"

February 15

HISB Faculty Fellows lecture by Sohl Lee/ART -- “The Democratic Avant-Garde: Minjung Art and Social Movement in South Korea”

February 22

Neil Roberts, Williams College – “Why Marronage Still Matters”

February 27

Faculty Fellows lecture by Michael Rubenstein/EGL –“Life Support: Fictions of Energy and Environment”

February 28

Rodney Leon, founder and principal of Rodney Leon Architects PLLC and NYC African Burial ground –"The Role of Architecture in Preservation of Truth and Memory" 1006 Humanities. Co-sponsored by Africana Studies, History  and HISB. 

March 8

Robyn Spencer, CUNY-Lehman – “The Black Panther Party and Radical Resistance in the 1960s”

March 21

Feng-Mei Heberer, New York University -- “Sentimental Activism as Queer-Feminist Documentary Practice, or How to Make Love in a Room Full of People”

 March 26

Book discussion: Neelam Srivastava, Newcastle University, UK -- “Reflections on Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire in the 20th Century, 1930-1970” 

March 28

History Dept in the Spotlight: presentations by Nancy Tomes, Brooke Larson and Paul Kelton, 1-2:30 PM

March 29

Nomi Dave, University of Virginia – “Sexual Violence & the Limits of Voice in Guinea”

April 4

"Visualizing Fascism and Resistance" Symposium, 1:00-5:00 PM

April 6

WGSS Graduate Student Conference, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

April 12

Macarena Gomez-Barris, Pratt Institute – "Beyond the Extractive View: Cultural Memory, Archipelagos, and Social Ecologies in Tierra del Fuego"

        April 17       

Public Humanities Fellows lecture by Javier Gaston-Greenberg – "Hero Genesis: The Secret Language of Comics for Immigrant Youth"

April 20

Testify: Memoir as a Tool for Building a Movement -- Focus on Herstory Writers Workshop, Long Island. Panel discussion and writing workshop, 10:30 AM-3:30 PM. Sponsored by Hispanic Languages and Literature and HISB.

April 24

Public Humanities Fellows lecture by Allyse Knox-Russell/WGSS – “Interdisciplinary Obstacles: Teaching Environmental Justice K-12”

April 25

Student Activism: Legacies and Possibilities, 1-2:30 PM. Co-sponsored by History and HISB

May 3

“Protest in Song and Verse”-- Songs, poetry and spoke word event



Fall 2017 Events

All events are at 4pm in 1008 Humanities unless otherwise noted.

To download a pfd version of the calendar, click here.

September 14

Jennifer Christine Nash, Northwestern University -- "Love Letter from a Critic, or Notes on the Intersectionality Wars". Part of the Q/F/T* Series. Co-sponsored by Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies and HISB.

September 21

Richard Steigmann-Gall, Kent State University -- "Resistance and Bystanding: Does the History of Fascism Provide Lessons for Today?"

September 26

Women's Gender & Sexually Studies book launch/discussion for The Hormone Myth: How Gender Politics, Junk Science, and Lies About PMS Keep Women Down by dept alumni Robyn Stein DeLuca. Co-sponsored by WGSS and HISB.

September 28

Steven Pincus, Yale University -- “The Ideological Origins of the Irish Revolution”

October 4

Faculty Lunchtime Lecture Series: Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, 1:00-2:30pm.

October 5

Christina Sharpe, Tufts University -- "Reflection on In the Wake: On Blackness and Being"

October 12-13

Conference,"Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity”, 9:00am - 6:00pm Oct 12, 9:00am -1:00pm Oct 13. Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Languages & Literature, Africana Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Center and HISB.

October 18

Jason Oliver Chang, University of Connecticut, Storrs -- "Anti-Chinese Racism and the Making of the Mexican Mestizo". Co-sponsored by the Confucius Institute and HISB.

October 19

Human Rights film festival -- showing of The Great Wall. Co-sponsored by the Presidential Mini-Grant and HISB.

October 25

Faculty lecture by Karen J. Lloyd, Art History, “Busts, Bodies, and Souls: Animating Portrait Sculpture in Roman Baroque Collections.”

October 26

Bilingual reading by Italian poet Maria Attanasio, author of Blu della cancellazione.  Co-sponsored by European Languages & Literatures and HISB, 5:30pm. Co-sponsored by European Languages and Literatures and HISB.

November 3

Conference , "Culture and Identity: The Legacy of Herman Lebovics", 9:00am - 5:30pm.  Co-sponsored by History, SBU Alumni Association and HISB.

November 9

Lectures by Environmentalists J. Drew Lanham, "The Color of the Land --Southern History and Hang-ups in Conservation"; and Lauret Savoy, "Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape", Rm 1006 Humanities. Co-sponsored by Sustainability Studies, Environment for the Humanities and HISB.

November 14

Human Rights film festival -- Silvered Water. Co-sponsored by the Presidential Mini-Grant and HISB.

November 16

"Fictions of Queerness and Disability", panel workshop, 2:30-5:00pm. Jason Farr, Texas A&M; Ula Klein, Texas A&M International; Rachel Adams, Columbia University

December 7 & 8

Jaskiran Dhillon, New School -- “Reflections on Prairie Rising: Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention”,  Lecture, Dec 7 at 4:00 PM; Workshop, Dec 8 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM