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David Yee, who recently defended his dissertation “Divided Landscapes in the Mexican Metropolis: Housing and Segregation in Mexico City, 1940-1976” will be spending a year at the University of Colorado, Boulder as a post-doctoral Scholar in Residence at the Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy.  

Read the article in The Statesman reporting on our recent panel forum on immigrant sanctuary activism that included legal, activist and academic perspectives.

Felicidades to Evelyn López Rodríguez for winning the Ana Maria Torres Scholarship and to Belinda Castiblanco for winning the Sanchez Construction Scholarship.  LACS is so proud of our wonderful LACS Minors!

Read about the work of Rahsmia Zatar, Executive Director of STRONG Youth, who hosted our second LACS Alumni in Residency program on October 10th, and students' responses to the luncheon in a wonderful piece by Anna Correa and Alexander Grace Gaspar in The Statesman.

Read LACS Board Member, Professor Lori Flores' recent Op Ed in The Washington Post"How the United Farmworkers Can Regain their Influence."

Congratulations to LACS Minor, Laura Horvath-Roa ('17), on her appointment as an Immigrant Rights Paralegal at the Empire Justice Center in Central Islip

Congratulations to Dr. Ashley Black on the successful defense of her dissertation, "The Politics of Asylum: Stability, Sovereignty, and Mexican Foreign Policy in the Caribbean Basin, 1945-1959."  We wish Ashley the best of luck in her positing as Visiting Assistant Professor at Lewis & Clark College for 2018-19.

Congratulations to David Yee for receiving two recent dissertation research fellowships, a "Pop-Up" grant from the Stony Brook Center for the Study of Inequalities, Social Justice, and Policy, and a grant from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.  David's dissertation is titled, “Divided Landscapes in the Mexican Metropolis: Housing and Segregation in Mexico City, 1940-1976.” He will be a resident fellow in Spring 2019 at the University of California-San Diego Center for Mexican Studies.

Congratulations to Matthew Ford (History) for receiving a prestigious fellowship from the Academy of American Franciscan History to pursue his doctoral research next year in Colombia/Ecuador. Matt's dissertation is "Civilizing the Frontier: Capuchin Missionaries, Indians, and State Formation in the Ecuador-Colombia Borderlands.” Well done!

The LACS Center is excited to be the recipient of a 2018-19 Presidential Mini-Grant for Departmental Diversity.  Funding will go to support a year-long photography exhibition of Mexican braceros by the Mexican photojournalist collective, Hermanos Mayo, and programming related to the broader theme of Mexican immigration to the United States.

Congratulations to Gonzalo Romero Sommer (History) for winning the prestigious Social Science Research Council fellowship to research his dissertation, "Alternating Currents: Electrical Power and Shifting Political Power in Peru."  ¡Felicidades!

Ashley Black, who will be defending her dissertation, "The Politics of Asylum: Caribbean Revolutionaries, Humanitarianism, and Foreign Policy in Mexico, 1944-1959" over the summer, has accepted a 1-year position as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.  ¡Felicidades!  

LACS Board Member, Professor Flores, has been recognized by the College of Arts & Sciences with a Faculty Outreach Award, given annually to two faculty whose work engages with our community.  See more about Professor Flores' work here.

Congratulations to LACS Board Member, Javier Uriarte (Hispanic Languages & Literature) for receiving the College of Arts & Sciences Godfrey Teaching Excellence Award!

David Yee, ABD in History, will be a Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for US-Mexican Studies at the University of California, San Diego, in Spring 2019.  David's dissertation, "A Marginal Majority: Housing in the Mexican Metropolis, 1940-1982."

Read the story in The Statesman discussing how LACS affiliate faculty and minors seek to educate the public about about TPS and the negative impact that President Trump's order to end protected status will have on Stony Brook students and beyond.

LACS Minor and President of SBU's chapter of  the Long Island Immigrant Advocates (LIISA), Brianna Rodriguéz, was interviewed by The Statesman for the article, "DACA Recipientes Feel Anxiety as Future Remains Uncertain."

Congratulations to Gonzalo Romero Sommer (History) for winning the prestigious Social Science Research Council fellowship to research his dissertation, "Alternating Currents: Electrical Power and Shifting Political Power in Peru."  ¡Felicidades!

Ashley Black, who will be defending her dissertation, "The Politics of Asylum: Caribbean Revolutionaries, Humanitarianism, and Foreign Policy in Mexico, 1944-1959" over the summer, has accepted a 1-year position as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.  ¡Felicidades! 

LACS Board Member, Professor Flores, has been recognized by the College of Arts & Sciences with a Faculty Outreach Award, given annually to two faculty whose work engages with our community.  See more about Professor Flores' work here.

LACS Board Member, Pablo Calvi (School of Journalism) spent January session with a group of undergraduates in Cuba as part of the Journalism School program, "Journalism Without Walls."  Their fantastic reporting and photographs are available here.

Congratulations to LACS Board Member, Prof. Lori Flores (History), for receiving the 2017 Martin Ridge Prize from the Historical Society of Southern California for her book, Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the California Farmworker Movement (Yale, 2016). 

Read the story in The Statesman discussing how LACS affiliate faculty and minors seek to educate the public about about TPS and the negative impact that President Trump's order to end protected status will have on Stony Brook students and beyond.

LACS Minor and President of SBU's chapter of  the Long Island Immigrant Advocates (LISSA), Brianna Rodriguéz, was interviewed by The Statesman for the article, "DACA Recipientes Feel Anxiety as Future Remains Uncertain."

LACS Board Member, Pablo Calvi (School of Journalism) spent January session with a group of undergraduates in Cuba as part of the Journalism School program, "Journalism Without Walls."  Their fantastic reporting and photographs are available here.

Congratulations to LACS Board Member, Prof. Lori Flores (History), for receiving the 2017 Martin Ridge Prize from the Historical Society of Southern California for her book, Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the California Farmworker Movement (Yale, 2016). 

LACS Minor, Rodman Serrano, wrote an OpEd in the New York Times explaining the devastating impact that ending TPS status will have on his family and others from Central America and the Caribbean.  President Stanley released a statement in support of Rodman and other students negatively affected by the Trump administration's policies.

Congratulations to Carlos Gómez for receiving a post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for the History of Global Development in Shanghai, China.  Carlos' dissertation, "Transnationalizing the Dam: The Unanticipated Consequences of the Itaipú Dam in the Making of the Upper Paraná Region, 1957–1992" examines environmental history and regional politics in the Southern Cone.  

Congratulations to Bill Demarest for receiving an AHA Travel Grant to present at this year's meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington, DC.

Congratulations to Raquel Otheguy (History) for receiving Honorable Mention for "Best Dissertation Prize" from NECLAS (New England Council on Latin American Studies) for her superb thesis, "Education in Empire, Nation, and Diaspora: Black Cubans’ Struggle for Schooling, 1850-1910" (2016).

Muchas felicidades to the students (Zaira Barajas, Yalile Suriel, Krislyn Rodríguez, Neyshmarie Gonzalez), faculty (Lori Flores, Eric Zolov), and staff members (Ruth Marrero, Sandy Harvey) who were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Stony Brook community at the Closing Ceremonies of Hispanic Heritage Month on November 1st.  And a special congratulations to Kiara Luna-Adames, winner of this year's Sanchez Scholarship.  So proud to have everyone in our growing LACS community!

hhm closing awards


Congratulations to first-year student, Matías Hermosilla for winning the Paul Seaver Graduate Student award from the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humor Studies for his 2017 Masters thesis, "Un mundo en conflicto, una risa global. El relato de la Guerra Fría a través de la prensa de humor político chilena, 1958-1973." 

History Department graduate student David Yee discusses his dissertation research on mass urban housing and inequality in Mexico City for The Metropole, the official blog of the Urban History Association.  Congratulations David!

LACS launched the Alumnus in Residency Program on September 27 with an intimate luncheon conversation followed by mentoring sessions for students led by alumnus, Jaime Moore.  Born in Panama and a graduate of Stony Brook in Economics (Class of '88), Jaime established the Bronx cultural arts center El Fogón and is a director at Citicorps Global Markets.  Read more about the event here.

Jennifer L. Anderson (History) "Hurricane Irma's Victims Need America Right Now"- Fortune

LACS Minor Tanzina Vega '96 Personifies Social Mobility - Stony Brook Matters

Congratulations to David Yee for winning the Faculty-Staff Dissertation Fellowship, which will allow him to continue his doctoral research on urban housing in Mexico City.  For a look into David's thinking on the subject, check out his recent blog post, The Radiant City: Public Housing in Modern Mexico.

We would like to extend our thanks to Island Empanada for their continued support and sponsorship of our LACS Cafe events. We truly appreciate you! 

Congratulations to Gonzalo Romero Sommer for winning the Conference on Latin American History Scobie Travel Award for pre-dissertation research.  Gonzalo will travel to Peru this summer to preliminary research related to his proposed dissertation topic, "Electrifying Peru: The State, Infrastructural Power and the Geography of Modernity."

Congratulations to Sergio Pinto-Handler for winning the  African and African Diaspora Studies Dissertation Fellowship from Boston College for 2017-18, to write up his dissertation on transatlantic histories of abolition and the Brazilian abolition debate in the 19th century!

LACS Board Member and History Professor Lori Flores has just won the Immigration and Ethnic History Society's (IEHS) Best First Book Award for her work, Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the California Farmworker Movement (Yale, 2016)

LACS Minor Rodman Serano: "Make Stony Brook University a sanctuary campus"- Statesman 

Department of Political Science Alum Chris Cloonan '12 Goes to Cuba for the 'Best Job in the World' - Newsday