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PhD Program Participating Faculty

The Graduate Program in Neuroscience pulls in faculty from a multitude of departments at Stony Brook University and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.

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Acosta-Martinez, Maricedes
(Physiology & Biophysics)
Neuroendocrine regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis

Albeanu, Dinu Florin
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)

Anderson, Brenda J.
Neuroanatomical and metabolic plasticity

Ballas, Nurit
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Regulation of gene expression by specific transcription factors during brain development and the implications of their loss on brain function and manifestation of neurological disorders

Biegon, Anat
Brain function in health and disease, sex differences and cancer

Borniger, Jeremy C.
(Cold Spring Harbor)
Mechanistic interactions between the brain and cancer, systems neuroscience

Brinkman, Braden
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Neural coding and computation; collective dynamics in neural circuits; how circuit architecture shapes function (and vice versa)

Cheadle, Lucas
(Cold Spring Harbor) 
Microglial interactions with synapses in the brain, sensory-induced changes in microglia

Collins III, William F. 
(Neurobiology & Behavior) 
Motoneuron physiology and plasticity

Colognato, Holly 
Extracellular matrix in the brain: roles during development and during neurodegeneration

Cowley, Benjamin 

(Cold Spring Harbor)
Data driven models of neural responses and behaviors by coupling data collection with model training during closed loop experiments

DeLorenzo, Christine
Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder, Antidepressant Treatment Response, Prediction, Multimodal Brain Imaging, PET Radioligands 

Dill, Kenneth
(Chemistry & Laufer Center for Physical & Quantitative Biology)
Properties of Proteins 

Djuric, Petar
(Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Signal analysis, modeling, and processing

Dubnau, Josh
(Neurobiology and Behavior, Anesthesiology)
Genetic dissection of memory in Drosophila

Enikolopov, Grigori
Neurogenesis, stem cells, signal transduction

Fontanini, Alfredo
(Neurobiology and Behavior)
Neurophysiology of gustatory system and motivation in behaving rodents

Frohman, Michael
Regulation of exocytosis and cell shape by signaling proteins

Ge, Shaoyu
(Neurobiology and Behavior)
Molecular mechanisms and function of new neurons in the brain

Hou, Helen
(Cold Spring Harbor)
Neural mechanisms underlying the dynamic control of facial expression using rodents as a model

Hu, Chi-Kuo
Dormancy, diapause in African Killifish

Kernan, Maurice
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Mechanosensory transduction in Drosophila; ciliogenesis; polycystins in sperm storage and competition

Kritzer, Mary
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Sex differences in cortical microcircuitry

La Camera, Giancarlo
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Theoretical neuroscience; plasticity, learning and behavior

Laughlin, Scott
Chemical strategies for deciphering neural circuitry

Li, Bo
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Understanding the synaptic mechanisms underlying adaptive and maladaptive behaviors

Maffei, Arianna
(Neurobiology and Behavior)
Experience-dependent rewiring of cortical circuits

McKinnon, David
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Molecular control of neuron firing properties

Mofakham, Sima
Computational Neuroscience, sTBI, novel facial recognition software to identify mood

Mujica-Parodi, Lilianne
(Biomedical Engineering) 
Functional neuroimaging (fMRI, near-infrared spectroscopy, EEG) and computational neurobiology of human limbic regulation

Parsey, Ramin
Depression, Dementia and brain imaging technologies such as Positron Emission Tomography

Plotkin, Joshua
(Neurobiology & Behavior) 
Functional microcircuitry of the basal ganglia in normal and disease states

Puopolo, Michelino
Cellular neurophysiology of nociceptor (pain-sensing) neurons

Riessland, Markus
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Neurodegenerative diseases

Shea, Stephen
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Neuroethology of natural olfactory and auditory communication behavior in mice

Shelly, Maya
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Molecular mechanisms of embryonic brain development; Axon regeneration; Neurodegenerative disorders

Sher, Roger
(Neurobiology & Behavior)

Shrestha, Prerana
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Dynamics of protein synthesis regulation in memory systems

Sirotkin, Howard
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Molecular genetics of vertebrate neural patterning

Smaers, Jeroen
Macroevolutionary study of the brain

Solomon, Irene C.
(Physiology & Biophysics)
Neural control of respiratory and cardiovascular function

Tang, Shao-Jun
Molecular, cellular, and circuitry mechanisms in pain pathogenesis

Tollkuhn, Jessica
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Sex differences in the brain and behavior

Tsirka, Styliani-Anna (Stella) E.
Neuronal-microglial interactions in the physiology and pathology of the central nervous system

Van Aelst, Linda
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) 
Signal Transduction; Ras and Rho proteins; tumorigenesis; neuronal development and disorders 

Van Snellenberg, Jared
Neural underpinnings of psychotic and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia and related disorders

Wang, Siwei
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Computational neuroscience

Wollmuth, Lonnie
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission

Xiong, Qiaojie
(Neurobiology & Behavior)
Neural mechanisms of learning and memory

Zador, Anthony
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
How does the cortex solve the cocktail party problem?

Zhu, Donghui 'Don'
(Biomedical Engineering)
Aging and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's