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If you have experienced sexual violence, you are not alone.

Sexual violence happens to people of all genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations. Your safety is our primary concern. Below you will find some suggested steps to take after an incident.

Contact the Police  | Confidential Medical Services  |  Report an Incident  | Confidential Advocate and Emotional Support Services |  (page links).

Contact University or Local Police | | Report An Incident | Confidential Medical Services | Confidential Advocate and Emotional Support Services (page links)

Contact University of Local Police

If you or someone else is in  immediate danger, contact the police immediately.  You have to right to report any incident that you believe may also be a crime to University or Local police.

  • Campus Phone: 333
  • On- Campus: 631.632.3333
  • Off-Campus: 911
  • NYS Police Campus Sexual Assault Hotline: 1.844.845.7269


Report An Incident -

Marjolie Leonard, Assistant Vice President, Title IX and ADA Coordinator, (631) 632-6280

To report an allegation of sexual misconduct contact the Office of Equity and Access (OEA).  Reports can may be online or via email (  You can also go to OEA's ReportIt website to print our Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Discrimination to print a paper complaint.   OEA encourages all members of the University community who have experienced any form of sexual misconduc to report.   Contact information for for the Title IX Coordinator:  

Marjolie Leonard
Assistant Vice President, Title IX and ADA Coordinator
Office of Equity and Access
Stony Brook University
Administration 201
631.632.6280 Phone 631.632.9428 Fax

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Deputy Title IX Coordinators are university-wide contact points for those seeking information or reporting sexual harassment, misconduct, or violence. Their role is to inform complainants of their rights and options and to relay the report to the OEA.  A full list of Deputy Title IX Coordinators is available on OEA's website.

Confidential Medical Services

Within 120 Hours (Five Days) of Incident:
It is important to get medical and emotional help immediately after the incident. Consider going to the SANE Center at Stony Brook University Medical Center where you can obtain confidential medical care and a forensic exam by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. This exam is free and allows you to obtain evidence should you decide to report the incident to the police and/or press charges in the future. Note: You do not need to report the incident to Police to receive SANE services. The SANE Center will hold the evidence for a minimum of 30 days. 

How to Access SANE Services:

You can access SANE services by going to the Stony Brook Medical Center Emergency Department. Go to the emergency room and let a triage nurse know that you are there for a SANE exam. Wear to the SANE exam (or take in a paper bag) the clothes you were wearing when the incident occurred to facilitate evidence collection. You will be provided a fresh set of clothing at the conclusion of the exam. It is strongly suggested that you do not bathe or douche, change clothing, comb your hair or brush your teeth. Even if you have done the above mentioned activities, you can go to the SANE center within 120 hours of the incident to get medical care and forensic evidence collection.

Our University Police will transport you to the SANE Center without requiring you to make a police report. 

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Center at Stony Brook University Hospital
101 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11794
Phone: 631-360-3606

Student Health Service 

1 Stadium Rd., Next to Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium Parking
(631) 632- 6740

Confidential Advocate and Emotional Support Services

Christine Szaraz - (631) 457-9981

CONFIDENTIAL support and resource options are available to students who experience sexual violence.  The Survivor Advocate and Prevention Specialist is available 24/7 to provide crisis support and emergency response immediately following an incident. If you want a forensic medical exam within 5 days (120 hours) of the incident, the Survivor Advocate and Prevention Specialist can coordinate this through the Stony Brook University Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

More information on CPO's Surivor Advocate and Prevention Specialist

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (631) 632-6720

Free student counseling is available 24/7: Between 9 am and 5 pm, visit the CAPS office, located on the second floor of the Student Health Services building, 1 Stadium Rd., next to Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium parking. 

AFTER HOURS: Call (631) 632-6720 and talk to a crisis counselor. 


Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County (VIBS) Family Violence and Rape Crisis Center (631) 360-3606

This off-campus community-based counseling and advocacy resource assists survivors of domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault.  Call to learn more.

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You have the right to make a report to University Police, local law enforcement and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the University, to be protected by the University from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from the University.

N.Y. Educ. Law 129-B §6444