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General Education Assessment

Stony Brook University implemented its revised undergraduate general education curriculum  known as the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) in Fall 2014. The purpose of the SBC is to provide students with foundational knowledge, develop their critical thinking skills, enhance communication skills, and promote personal growth. The SBC aims to promote lifelong learning and increase the employability of our graduates.  For more information, visit the SBC website or General Education Advisory Committee website. 

Assessment of the SBC is a critical component to ensuring that our curriculum is effective and meets the needs of our student body. Through assessment, we can provide better student support and continue to attract high-quality students, faculty and funding. The Office of Educational Effectiveness, in partnership with the Assessment Council, is repsonsible for the periodic assessment of  the SBC. 

General Education Assessment Process & Cycle

SBU's general education program was first assessed in 2018. Following a review of this pilot assessment process and its results, SBU adopted a mixed-methods approach to general education/SBC assessment in 2022. Each year, a sample of SBC instructors participate in a 45-minute 'guided assessment conversation' with an assesment consultant to discuss their general eduation student learning outcomes (SLOs) and student performance results. During this conversation, instructors and assessment consultants work together to align their course activities and assignments to the SLOs, and evaluate student performance results using a streamlined three-point rubric. Results of the assessment conversation are then reported in aggregate at the level of the SBC.

This informs the University's understanding of student performance on the SBCs, the effectiveness of the general education program,  and recommendations for potential modifications to the curriculum. Assessment conversations are supplemented by surveys and focus groups to gain greater insight into student and faculty perceptions of the SBC. 

Beginning in AY 2024-25, guided assessment conversations will take place annually in the Spring as a reflection on completed Fall SBC courses. SBC categories will be assessed according to the following staggered schedule. For more detail on each year of the SBC assessment cycle, visit the links below. 

General Education Assessment FAQs