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Assistant Professor
Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-4069, Physics A-103
Research Group Website | Curriculum Vitae. (Last updated: 2024 Aug 30)

Ash Kumar has been an Assistant Professor at Stony Brook since 2024. Before that he was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford where he coupled ultracold Rydberg atoms to superconducting resonators. He got his Ph.D. at Penn State working on 3D arrays of single atoms for quantum computation. In his spare time, he is either playing music or coming up with bad puns.

Research Statement
The Kumar lab uses ultracold atoms and their interactions with photons to address challenges in quantum information and metrology. We build state-of-the-art experiments and develop theoretical tools that push the boundaries of quantum optics and cavity Quantum Electrodynamics to gain insight into quantum many body physics and leverage it for the next generation of quantum devices. Specifically, we are working on coupling a tweezer array of atoms to a superconducting microwave resonator for simulating novel many-body hamiltonians. We also want to use this apparatus to implement non-local gates and mid-circuit measurements for error correction. Additionally, we are exploring novel cavity designs for strongly coupling arrays of alkaline-earth (like) atoms to optical photons and improving qubit measurements for error correction, as well as quantum networking.