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Adjunct Associate Professor
Physics and Astronomy | Brookhaven National Laboratory
Curriculum Vitae. (Last updated: 2023 May 02)

Anže Slosar is a Distinguished Scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory and an adjunct faculty at Stony Brook. He got his PhD from Cambridge University in 2003 and after postdocs at Ljubljana, Oxford and Berkeley, joined Brookhaven in 2009.  He currently serves as the group leader for Cosmology & Astrophysics Group.

Research Statement
I am an observational cosmologist. I want to understand the inner workings of the universe based on the observations at all accessible wavelengths. Using data from Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure of the Universe as probed by galaxy clustering, weak lensing and Lyman-alpha forest, I have put constraints on cosmological parameters, primordial non-Gaussianity and neutrino masses. I am constantly on the lookout for new observables and experimental techniques.

I currently spend majority of my time as a the Science Lead for the LuSEE-Night experiment, a NASA-DOE collaboration to send a radio telescope pathfinder to the far side of the Moon. The instrument is expected to land in early 2026 on the Firefly’s Blue Ghost 2 mission. I am also involved in preparation for data from the Rubin telescope, the next generation US flagship astronomy project.