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Information for Parents

Maybe they're coming from a very competitive high school marching band. Maybe they're interested in marching for the first time in college. Either way, marching in college band will change them positively and positively impact their time at Stony Brook University.

The Stony Brook Band Program is comprised of Stony Brook University's best and brightest students. The band has one of the highest cumulative GPAs on campus and is represented by nearly every academic discipline and major on campus. 53% of our Band Members major in Math, Science, Health Sciences, or Engineering. The Band's Cumulative GPA is 3.36 (higher than the all-University average of non-band students on campus). 52% of Band Members have a Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher; 66% have a 3.25 or higher; 76% have a 3.0 or higher. Data courtesy of the Stony Brook University Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness; December 2023.