Sexual Health
CPO supports students in caring for their sexual health through prevention education, early intervention and testing services and connection to resources. Learn how you can support your sexual health.
Preventing Sexual Transmitted Infections
Preventing STIs can come in many forms. Some STIs like HPV and Hepatitis A and B can be prevented with vaccines. Other STIs like HIV can be prevented through the use of oral medication. STIs can also be prevented with the proper use of condoms, dental dams, and other barrier contraceptives.
Preventing Pregnancy
Pregnancy prevention is possible through many means; sometimes, a combination of products is best. The proper use of condoms, oral birth control, and IUDs can all help prevent pregnancy.
Knowing Your Status
Regularly testing or screening for Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) is important for your health and the health of your partners. Utilize on and off-campus testing services.