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About D-TALE

The Distributed Teacher and Leader Education program (D-TALE) is Stony Brook University’s home for all programs that lead to New York State Certification for P-12 teaching and administration. Our faculty comprises nationally-known scholars, and professionals who have served full-careers as high school and middle school teachers and administrators. We offer teacher certification programs in English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and TESOL. We also offer programs that lead to certification for School Building and School District Leadership as well as School Business Leader.

Our education program at Stony Brook is unusually strong. Our program is “distributed” because we don’t house our students in a college of education; instead, those who become teachers at Stony Brook are students in the same courses and majors as their classmates going on to content careers. Science teacher candidates will study with scientists, English teacher candidates will study with writers, mathematics teachers will study with mathematicians. In every field, you will earn a solid background in the content of your discipline, so you’ll be an effective, confident teacher able to lead young minds in this competitive era. With the mentorship of our D-TALE faculty, you’ll learn to design engaging assignments, manage energetic classrooms, use evidence to improve your students’ learning, and help your school be a positive force in your students’ community.

Come join us to help shape the future!



D-TALE Administration


Susan Ross, MA
Assistant Director
Teacher and Leader Education
Teacher Certification Officer
(631) 632-7053

Patricia Dixon, MA
Coordinator for Educational Programs
(631) 632-9486

Academic Program Directors

Charles G. Backfish, MA
Director, Social Studies Education
(631) 632-1093

Lisa Berger, PhD 
Director, Mathematics Education
Associate Professor of Mathematics
(631) 632-8278

Sarah Jourdain, PhD
Director, Foreign Language Education 
(631) 632-7440

Craig Markson, EdD
Educational Leadership 
(631) 632-7067

Linda Padwa, PhD
Associate Director
Science Education

(631) 632-7075 

Keith Sheppard, EdD
Director, Institute for STEM Education
(631) 632-2989

Mariann Coogan, MA 
Director, TESOL

Joshua Cabat, MA
English Teacher Education