D-TALE Faculty
Profiles and contact information listed by subject area
- Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership
- English
Thomas Mangano
Lecturer and Director of Field Experience and Clinical Practice (631) 632-7400
Timothy August
Professor of English
Graduate Program Director, Department of English - Foreign Language
Foreign Language
Sarah Jourdain, PhD
Department Chair
Associate Professor
Director, World Language Teacher Preparation
LLRC Director
(631) 632-7440
Kathleen Vernon, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature
(631) 632-9668
Daniela Flesler, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and Undergraduate Teacher Education Advisor in Spanish (631) 632-6031
Andrea Fedi, PhD
Associate Professor: Italian Renaissance literature, and historiography and Director, Language Learning and Research Center (LLRC) (631) 632-7013
Jiwon Hwang, PhD
Lecturer, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies: Undergraduate Chinese, Japanese and Korean Advisor Madeline Turan, MS
Lecturer, Foreign Language Teacher Education Program and Co-Director of the ELLC ACE Program (631) 632-7440
Timothy C. Westphalen, PhD
Associate Professor, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, Advisor in Russian (631) 632-7387
- Mathematics
Lisa Berger, PhD
Director of Mathematics Education and Associate Professor of Mathematics (631) 632-8278
Jason Starr, PhD
Advisor for Mathematics Education and Professor of Mathematics (631) 632-8270
Alaa Karem Abd-El-Hafez
Acting Director of Field Experience and Clinical Practice Alexander Kirillov, PhD
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Interim Department Chair (631) 632-8289
Raanan Schul, PhD
Professor of Mathematics and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies (631) 632-8995
- Science
Keith Sheppard, EdD
Director of Science Education and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Director, Institute for STEM Education(631) 632-2989
Linda Padwa, PhD
Provost's Outstanding Lecturer, Associate Director for Science Education and Director of Field Experience and Clinical Practice
Co-director of the Long Island New York State Master Teacher Program(631) 632-7075
Zuzana Zachar, PhD
Research Assistant Professor and Graduate Advisor, Biology (631) 632-8970
Susan Oatis, PhD
Lecturer and Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor, Chemistry (631) 632-1571
Robert McCarthy
Professor and Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor, Physics (631) 632-8086
Caren Gough, PhD
Lecturer, Co-director of the Long Island New York State Master Teacher Program (631) 632-7075
Angela Kelly, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy Institute for STEM Education (631) 632-7075
Deanna Rogers, PhD
Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor, Geosciences (631) 632-1509
- Social Studies
Social Studies
Charles Backfish, MA
Program Director, Provost's Outstanding Lecturer and Director of Field Experience and Clinical Practice (631) 632-1093
Mariann Coogan, MA
Director of TESOL Teacher Preparation and Certification Dorit Kaufman, PhD
Professor of Linguistics and TESOL Teacher Education (631) 632-7783
Marie K. Huffman
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies - Core Education Faculty
Core Education Faculty
Georges Fouron, EdD
Professor, Africana Studies (631) 632-6924
Nicholas J. Ullrich III, MA
Lecturer, Human Development (631) 632-7800
Natalie Lukas, MS, TEP
Director SUNY Urban Teacher Education Center (SUTEC) 917-346-2932