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Tad Koga

Professor and Undergraduate Program Director(CME)

Office: 318 Engineering Bldg. Stony Brook, NY
Phone:  631-632-8485

His research interest is the development of “green” energy, manufacturing and processing: (i) green nanofabrication of polymer thin films using supercritical carbon dioxide, (ii) chemical recycling of waste plastic using supercritical water, and (iii) methane hydrate as a future energy resource. The key for these projects lies in the development of rational design strategies. For this purpose, he has been integrating a variety of  in-situ and  real-time  x-ray/neutron/light scattering techniques for both surface/interface and bulk/solution structure analysis at synchrotron/neutron scattering facilities including the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS, Upton), Advanced Photon Source (APS, Argonne), and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, Gaithersburg). As further applications of  in-situ  and  real-time observation, he also focuses on self-assembling processes of soft matter systems (polymers, colloids, gels, membranes, etc.) under various external stimulants for achieving a fundamental understanding of the targeted phenomena and bringing the concept into future commercial applications.


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  • Visiting Professor, Kyushu University (Japan), July, 2008.
  • Visiting Scientist, Kyoto University (Japan), July-Aug. 2004.


  • Ph.D., Polymer Physics, 1998, Kyushu University, Japan.
  • M.S., Solid State Physics, 1993, Kyushu University, Japan.
  • B.S., Solid State Physics, 1991, Kumamoto University, Japan.


  • Assistant Professor, Chemical and Molecular Engineering Program, Dept of Materials Science & Engineering, Stony Brook University, Sep. 2006- Present. 
  • Visiting Professor, Institute for Materials Chemistry ad Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan, July. 2008.
  • Research Scientist, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook (SUNY), Stony Brook, Sep.2000-Aug. 2006 
  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, SUNY at Stony Brook (Prof. B. Chu), 1998- 2000.         
  • Visiting Scientist, Dept of Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan, July 2004-Aug. 2004.         
  • Visiting Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Nov. 2002-Dec. 2002.        
  • Visiting Scientist, Physics Department, Dortmund University, Germany, June 2002-July 2002.         
  • Visiting Scientist, Physics Department, Dortmund University, Germany, June 2001-July 2001.         
  • Joint Research Scientist, Advance Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Apr. 2001-Mar. 2002.  
  • Researcher, Hashimoto Polymer Phasing Project, ERATO, Japan, July 1994-Sep. 1998.        
  • Research Engineer, Mac Science Corporation, Japan, Apr. 1993-June 1994.