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Distinguished Teaching Professor
Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-8185, Physics S-225 | (631)-632-8184, Physics S-145
Research Group Website | Publications (BiBTeX)

Harold Joseph Metcalf was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on June 11, 1940. He was educated in the public schools
of Newton, Massachusetts, entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1958, and was awarded a Bachelor of
Science with major in Physics from MIT in June, 1962. He entered the graduate school of Brown University in 1962
and completed the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in physics in June, 1967. He was a postdoc at Stony Brook from
1968-1970.  In June, 1963 he was married to the former Marilyn Sonis of Dorchester, Mass. Their three children
were born in 1964, 1967, and 1973.


1999-present               Distinguished Teaching Professor, S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
2003                                    Debye Professor, University at University of Utrecht, Netherlands 
2000                                    Visiting Professor, University of Innsbruck 
1997-2002                     Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Univ. at Konstanz and at Bonn, Germany 
June 1994                       Visiting Professor, R.U. Utrecht, Netherlands 
1993-1994                     Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France 
June 1992                       Visiting Professor, R.U. Utrecht, Netherlands 
May  1991                        Visiting Professor, Beijing Inst. for Modern Physics, Beijing, China
1988-1994                     Director of Graduate Studies, Physics Dept., S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
1986-1987                     Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France 
1985-1986                     Visiting Professor, Ben Gurion Univ., Beer Sheva, Israel (Winter) 
1983-present              Professor of Physics, S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
1981-1983                    Summer Consultant: Center for Abs. Phys. Quant., N. B. S. 
1977-1978                    Visiting Associate Professor, M. I. T. 
1974-1983                    Associate Professor, S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
1970-1974                    Assistant Professor, S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
1968-1970                    Research Associate,  S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook 
1967-1968                    Research Associate, Brown University 
July 1967                        Lecturer, Latin American School of Physics, Santiago, Chile 
1964-1967                    Research Assistant, Brown University 
1962-1964                    Teaching Assistant, Brown University