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All incoming WISE students will follow a 20 credit sequence taken over four years, along with their major and degree requirements. The four-year curriculum is designed to promote academics, research, service and leadership. For students starting in Fall 2021, the requirements are shown below.  For students who started Fall 2017 through Fall 2020,  please see the notes section.

A. Course Sequence

A WISE Honors student must take the following course sequence (or their equivalents): 




Any Semester


First year

WSE 101 (1c)

WSE 105 (1c)



Research and Career

Second year

WSE 380 (3c)

(offered both semesters)

WSE 205 (1c)




Third year

WSE 201 (3c)

(offered both semesters)

WSE 381 (1c)

(offered both semesters)

WSE Practicum

(Choose one - 2 credits)

WSE 475, WSE 477,

WSE 487, WSE 488



Fourth year

WSE 401 (1c)

(offered both semesters)


WSE 405 (1c)



WSE 495 (3c)

WSE 496 (3c)

Thesis or Design Project

• Students will take WSE 101 and WSE 105 in the first year.
• WISE Practicum for a total of 2 credits can be taken at the same time or after WSE 381. This can be accomplished by taking a WISE Practicum Course (WSE 475/477/487/488) or a course under a different designator with the appropriate approval.  
• Students entering WISE Honors after the first semester of their first year will follow a modified course program according to the time spent in College and the approval of the WISE Program.
• Every WISE student must submit a letter of intent containing a detailed description of the student’s intended senior thesis or design project in WSE 495/496. An appropriate thesis (single-authored by the student) must be submitted at the end of the second semester and an oral report must be made at the annual WISE Symposium. These rules apply to students doing their theses or projects under the WSE designator or under a departmental designator. Students must obtain WISE program approval for registration under a designator other than WSE.

B. Requirements to maintain WISE Honors Program membership and receive transcript notation

  • Pass all of the courses of WISE Honors curriculum with a C or higher grade, including a Senior Thesis or Design Project;
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Not be found guilty of academic dishonesty; and
  • Cleared through Community Standards to ensure no University Code of Conduct policies have been violated.

Students who receive a grade of C- or lower in a WISE Honors course (those with the WSE designator) may request to repeat the course toward WISE Honors requirements.

Note: For students starting Fall 2017 through Fall 2020, follow indicated curriculum with these exceptions: Choose two different practicum experiences for 4 total practicum credits.  WSE 205 and WSE 405 are not required.

WISE Courses